
[pəʹrempt(ə)rı] a
1. безапелляционный, не допускающий возражений, категорический

the orders are peremptory - приказы /распоряжения/ не подлежат обсуждению

2. доктринёрский, догматический
3. повелительный, властный

in a peremptory tone - повелительным тоном

4. юр. императивный, окончательный; абсолютный

peremptory challenge - отвод без указания причины

peremptory rule - императивная норма

peremptory writ - окончательное предписание или определение судьи /суда/

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "peremptory" в других словарях:

  • peremptory — pe·remp·to·ry 1 /pə remp tə rē/ adj [Late Latin peremptorius, from Latin, destructive, from perimere to take entirely, destroy] 1: permitting no dispute, alternative, or delay; specif: not providing an opportunity to show cause why one should not …   Law dictionary

  • Peremptory — Per emp*to*ry, a. [L. peremptorius destructive, deadly, decisive, final: cf. F. p[ e]remptorie. See {Perempt}.] 1. Precluding debate or expostulation; not admitting of question or appeal; positive; absolute; decisive; conclusive; final. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Peremptory — can refer to any of the following concepts in law:* Peremptory challenge * Peremptory norm * Peremptory plea …   Wikipedia

  • peremptory — [pər emp′tə rē] adj. [LL peremptorius, decisive, final < L, destructive, deadly < peremptus, pp. of perimere, to destroy < per , intens. + emere, to take, buy: see REDEEM] 1. Law a) barring further action, debate, question, etc.; final;… …   English World dictionary

  • peremptory — means ‘admitting no denial or refusal’ and not (perhaps by confusion with perfunctory) ‘abrupt, sudden’. A peremptory decision is not one that has been hastily reached but one that is definitive. The word is normally pronounced with the stress on …   Modern English usage

  • peremptory — decisive, 1510s, legal term, from Anglo Fr. peremptorie, from M.Fr. peremtoire, from L. peremptorius destructive, decisive, final, from peremptor destroyer, from perimpere destroy, cut off, from per away entirely, to destruction (see PER (Cf.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • peremptory — imperative, imperious, *masterful, domineering Analogous words: decisive, *decided: positive, certain (see SURE): *dictatorial, dogmatic, oracular …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • peremptory — [adj] overbearing, authoritative absolute, arbitrary, assertive, autocratic, binding, bossy, categorical, certain, commanding, compelling, decided, decisive, dictatorial, dogmatic, domineering, final, finished, firm, fixed, highhanded, imperative …   New thesaurus

  • peremptory — ► ADJECTIVE 1) insisting on immediate attention or obedience; brusque and imperious. 2) Law not open to appeal or challenge; final. DERIVATIVES peremptorily adverb peremptoriness noun. ORIGIN Latin peremptorius deadly, decisive …   English terms dictionary

  • peremptory — /parem(p)tariy/ Imperative; final; decisive; absolute; conclusive; positive; not admitting of question, delay, reconsideration or of any alternative. Self determined; arbitrary; not requiring any cause to be shown. Wolfe v. State, 147 Tex.Cr.R.… …   Black's law dictionary

  • peremptory — adjective Etymology: Middle English peremptorie, from Anglo French, from Late Latin & Latin; Late Latin peremptorius, from Latin, destructive, from perimere to take entirely, destroy, from per thoroughly + emere to take more at redeem Date: 15th… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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