
[pəʹseptıv] a
1. 1) воспринимающий, ощущающий

perceptive organs - органы восприятия

2) проницательный

a perceptive reader of poetry - тонкий ценитель поэзии

your mother's perceptive faculties are extraordinary - ваша мать одарена необычайной наблюдательностью

2. восприимчивый

perceptive audience - восприимчивая аудитория

3. в грам. знач. сущ. pl органы восприятия

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Смотреть что такое "perceptive" в других словарях:

  • Perceptive — Per*cep tive, a. [Cf. F. perceptif.] Of or pertaining to the act or power of perceiving; having the faculty or power of perceiving; used in perception. His perceptive and reflective faculties. Motley. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • perceptive — I adjective acute, apperceptive, apprehensive, astute, aware, cognitive, cognizant, comprehending, conscious, discerning, discriminating, discriminative, easily affected, feeling, impressible, impressionable, keen, knowing, mindful, percipient,… …   Law dictionary

  • perceptive — 1650s, from L. percept , pp. stem of percipere (see PERCEIVE (Cf. perceive)) + IVE (Cf. ive) …   Etymology dictionary

  • perceptive — [adj] alert, sensitive acute, astute, awake, aware, brainy*, conscious, discerning, discreet, ear to the ground*, gnostic, incisive, insighted, insightful, intuitive, judicious, keen, knowing, knowledgeable, knows what’s what*, observant,… …   New thesaurus

  • perceptive — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ having or showing acute insight. DERIVATIVES perceptively adverb perceptiveness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • perceptive — [pər sep′tiv] adj. [ML perceptivus] 1. of or capable of perception 2. able to perceive quickly and easily; having keen insight or intuition; penetrating perceptively adv. perceptiveness n. perceptivity [pʉr΄sep tiv′ə tē] …   English World dictionary

  • perceptive — adj. 1) perceptive of (that observation was very perceptive of her) 2) perceptive to + inf. (it was perceptive of them to grasp our meaning) * * * [pə septɪv] perceptive to + inf. (it was perceptive of them to grasp our meaning) perceptive of… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • perceptive — per|cep|tive [pəˈseptıv US pər ] adj someone who is perceptive notices things quickly and understands situations, people s feelings etc well used to show approval ▪ a perceptive young man ▪ highly perceptive comments ▪ You re right. That s very… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • perceptive — adj. VERBS ▪ be ADVERB ▪ extremely, fairly, very, etc. ▪ highly ▪ a highly …   Collocations dictionary

  • perceptive — per|cep|tive [ pər septıv ] adjective 1. ) able to notice or understand things quickly and easily: Children can be amazingly perceptive about adults moods. 2. ) a perceptive remark or piece of writing is intelligent and shows good judgment: It… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • perceptive — [[t]pə(r)se̱ptɪv[/t]] ADJ GRADED (approval) If you describe a person or their remarks or thoughts as perceptive, you think that they are good at noticing or realizing things, especially things that are not obvious. He was one of the most… …   English dictionary

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