- pentatonic
- [͵pentəʹtɒnık] a муз.
пентатонный (о звукоряде)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
pentatonic — PENTATÓNIC, Ă, pentatonice, adj. (muz.; în sintagmele) Gamă pentatonică = gamă alcătuită din cinci trepte, fără semitonuri, care stă la baza muzicii populare chineze, tătare, scoţiene etc. Sistem pentatonic = sistem muzical care se bazează pe o… … Dicționar Român
pentatonic — [pen΄tə tän′ik] adj. 〚see PENTA & TONIC〛 designating or of a musical scale having five tones to the octave * * * pen·ta·ton·ic (pĕn tə tŏnʹĭk) adj. Music Of or using only fiv … Universalium
pentatonic — англ. [пэнтато/уник] Pentatonik нем. [пэнтато/ник] pentatonique фр. [пантатони/к] пентатоника … Словарь иностранных музыкальных терминов
pentatonic — ► ADJECTIVE Music ▪ of or referring to a scale of five notes … English terms dictionary
pentatonic — [pen΄tə tän′ik] adj. [see PENTA & TONIC] designating or of a musical scale having five tones to the octave … English World dictionary
pentatonic — adjective Based on five tones. The middle movement is completely pentatonic, giving it an unusual sound. See Also: diatonic, pentatonic scale … Wiktionary
pentatonic — adj. of or pertaining to a pentatonic scale; composed of five tones … English contemporary dictionary
pentatonic romanticism — is a musical style that couples pentatonic melodies (melodies based on a five tone scale without semitones) evocative of Chinese folk music with harmonic structures reminiscent of late nineteenth century Western art music. Compositions written in … Encyclopedia of Contemporary Chinese Culture
Pentatonic scale — The first two phrases of the melody from Stephen Foster s Oh! Susanna are based on the major pentatonic scale[1] … Wikipedia
pentatonic scale — /pen teuh ton ik, pen /, Music. a scale having five tones to an octave, as one having intervals that correspond to the five black keys of a piano octave. [1860 65; PENTA + TONIC] * * * ▪ music also called Five note Scale, or Five tone Scale, … … Universalium
pentatonic scale — noun a gapped scale with five notes; usually the fourth and seventh notes of the diatonic scale are omitted • Syn: ↑pentatone • Derivationally related forms: ↑pentatonic (for: ↑pentatone) • Hypernyms: ↑gapped scal … Useful english dictionary