
[ʹpentɑ:k] n ист.

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pentarch" в других словарях:

  • pentarch — pen·tarch …   English syllables

  • pentarch —   n. member of pentarchy.    ♦ pentarchy, n. government by five persons; alliance between five powers …   Dictionary of difficult words

  • pentarch — I. ˈpen.ˌtärk noun ( s) Etymology: pent + arch : one of five joint rulers II. adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary pent + arch : having five protoxylem groups …   Useful english dictionary

  • pentarchy — pentarch, n. pentarchical, adj. /pen tahr kee/, n., pl. pentarchies. 1. a government by five persons. 2. a governing body of five persons. 3. a federation of five nations, each under its own government or ruler. [1580 90; < Gk pentarchía. See… …   Universalium

  • Salammbô (Mussorgsky) — Salammbô [alternative title The Libyan ] (Russian: Саламбо [Ливиец] ) is an unfinished opera project in 4 acts by the Russian composer Modest Mussorgsky, to his own libretto based on the novel of the same title by Gustave Flaubert (1862), as well …   Wikipedia

  • Byzantinisches Heerwesen — Das Byzantinische Heer stellte den Hauptteil der Streitkräfte des Byzantinischen Reiches dar und war eine der beiden Teilstreitkräfte, die andere war die Byzantinische Marine. Es stand in der Tradition des römischen Heeres und war aufgrund des… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • History of the Eastern Orthodox Church — The Eastern Orthodox Churches trace their roots back to the Apostles and Jesus Christ. Eastern Orthodoxy reached its golden age during the high point of the Byzantine Empire, and then continued to flourish in Russia after the Fall of… …   Wikipedia

  • History of Eastern Christianity — Christianity has been, historically a Middle Eastern religion with its origin in Hebrew tribal Judaism and the Ancient Eastern Roman Empire. Eastern Christianity refers collectively to the Christian traditions and churches which developed in the… …   Wikipedia

  • брюхо глухо: словом не уймешь — Ср. Venter caret auribus. Ср. Arduum est, quirites, ad ventrem auribus carentem verba facere. Трудно, граждане, словами убеждать брюхо, которое не имеет ушей. Cato (234 349), речь во время голодухи. Ср. Γαστήρ ουκ έχει ωτα. Нет у брюха уха (брюхо …   Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона

  • Брюхо глухо: словом не уймешь — Брюхо глухо: словомъ не уймешь. Ср. Venter caret auribus. Ср. Arduum est, quirites, ad ventrem auribus carentem verba facere. Пер. Трудно, граждане, словами убѣждать брюхо, которое не имѣетъ ушей. Cato (234 349), рѣчь во время голодухи. Ср.… …   Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)

  • -arch — I. ˌärk, ˌȧk, alternatively ə(r)k in a few common words (as “monarch”) in which the preceding syllable has stress noun combining form ( s) Etymology: Middle English arke, arche, from Old French & Late Latin & Latin; Old French …   Useful english dictionary

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