
[ʹpenıl] n (pl pennillion) книжн.
1) импровизированное стихотворение (исполняемое под аккомпанемент арфы)
2) строфа такого стихотворения

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pennill" в других словарях:

  • pennill — n. (pl. penillion) (usu. in pl.) an improvised stanza sung to a harp accompaniment at an eisteddfod etc. Etymology: Welsh f. penn head …   Useful english dictionary

  • penillion pl. of PENNILL. — peninsula n. a piece of land almost surrounded by water or projecting far into a sea or lake etc. Derivatives: peninsular adj. Etymology: L paeninsula f. paene almost + insula island …   Useful english dictionary

  • Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau — English: Land of My Fathers National anthem of  Wales Lyrics Evan James, 1856 …   Wikipedia

  • Deck the Halls — (также Deck the Hall, рус. Украсьте зал) известная рождественская и новогодняя песня на английском языке, ставшая популярной в начале XVIII века, которая не только поётся во время зимних праздников, но и используется во многих художественных… …   Википедия

  • penillion — /pəˈnɪliən/ (say puh nileeuhn) noun an improvisatory Welsh song. Also, pennillion. {Welsh, plural of pennill verse} …  

  • penillion — pə̇ˈnilyən noun plural Etymology: Welsh, plural of penill verse : orig. improvised but now usually traditional Welsh verses and melody sung (as in an eisteddfod) in couterpoint to a familiar tune played on the harp * * * penillion see pennill …   Useful english dictionary

  • penillion-singing — penillˈion singing noun 1. A form of Welsh verse singing in which the singer improvises an independent melody and verse arrangement against an accompaniment (usu on the harp) consisting of a traditional Welsh melody repeated 2. A modern, modified …   Useful english dictionary

  • pe|nill — «puh NIHL», noun, plural nil|lion « NIHL yuhn». 1. a form of improvised verse adapted to an air played on the harp, and sung by the Welsh at an eisteddfod and on other occasions. 2. a stanza of such verse: »The bards…struck up a sort of… …   Useful english dictionary

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