- pellitory
- [ʹpelıt(ə)rı] n бот.
постенница (Parietaria gen.)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Pellitory — may refer to:* Anacyclus pyrethrum or pellitory, a plant containing an oil once used for toothaches and facial neuralgia * Achillea ptarmica or European pellitory, bastard pellitory, or wild pellitory * Parietaria officinalis or Pellitory of the… … Wikipedia
Pellitory — Pel li*to*ry, n. [OE. paritorie, OF. paritoire, F. pari[ e]taire; (cf. It. & Sp. parietaria), L. parietaria the parietary, or pellitory, the wall plant, fr. parietarus belonging to the walls, fr. paries, parietis a wall. Cf. {Parietary}.] (Bot.)… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pellitory — Pel li*to*ry, n. [Sp. pelitre, fr. L. pyrethrum. See {Bertram}.] (Bot.) (a) A composite plant ({Anacyclus Pyrethrum}) of the Mediterranean region, having finely divided leaves and whitish flowers. The root is the officinal pellitory, and is used… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pellitory — [pel′i tôr΄ē] n. pl. pellitories 〚altered < ME peritorie < OFr paritoire < L parietaria < parietarius, of walls < paries: see PARIES〛 1. any of a genus (Parietaria) of plants of the nettle family, often grown as an ornamental: in full … Universalium
pellitory — [pel′i tôr΄ē] n. pl. pellitories [altered < ME peritorie < OFr paritoire < L parietaria < parietarius, of walls < paries: see PARIES] 1. any of a genus (Parietaria) of plants of the nettle family, often grown as an ornamental: in… … English World dictionary
pellitory — /ˈpɛlətri/ (say peluhtree), / təri/ (say tuhree) noun (plural pellitories) 1. any of several species of herbs belonging to the genus Parietaria, as pellitory of the wall, P. judaica, a branched perennial often found in crevices of rocks and… …
pellitory — noun (plural ries) Etymology: Middle English peletre, pelytory, from Anglo French peletre, peretre, from Medieval Latin peletrum, piretrum, alteration of Latin pyrethrum more at pyrethrum Date: 1528 1. a southern European composite plant… … New Collegiate Dictionary
pellitory — n. any of several wild plants, esp.: 1 (in full pellitory of Spain) a composite plant, Anacyclus pyrethrum, with a pungent flavoured root, used as a local irritant etc. 2 (in full pellitory of the wall) a low bushy plant, Parietaria judaica, with … Useful english dictionary
pellitory — [ pɛlɪtəri] (also pellitory of the wall) noun a plant of the nettle family with greenish flowers, which grows among stones or on walls. [Parietaria judaica.] Origin ME: alt. of obs. parietary, from OFr. paritaire, based on L. paries, pariet wall … English new terms dictionary
pellitory — vaistinis seilius statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Astrinių šeimos vaistinis augalas (Anacyclus officinarum). atitikmenys: lot. Anacyclus officinarum angl. pellitory šaltinis Valstybinės lietuvių kalbos komisijos 2009 m. balandžio 9 d.… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
pellitory of Spain — Pellitory Pel li*to*ry, n. [Sp. pelitre, fr. L. pyrethrum. See {Bertram}.] (Bot.) (a) A composite plant ({Anacyclus Pyrethrum}) of the Mediterranean region, having finely divided leaves and whitish flowers. The root is the officinal pellitory,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English