pedigree cattle

pedigree cattle
[ʹpedıgri:͵kætl] с.-х.
племенной или породистый скот

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pedigree cattle" в других словарях:

  • pedigree — pedigreeless, adj. /ped i gree /, n. 1. an ancestral line; line of descent; lineage; ancestry. 2. a genealogical table, chart, list, or record, esp. of a purebred animal. 3. distinguished, excellent, or pure ancestry. 4. derivation, origin, or… …   Universalium

  • pedigree — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ long ▪ Hereford cattle have a long pedigree. ▪ distinguished, illustrious, impeccable, impressive ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • pedigree — ped•i•gree [[t]ˈpɛd ɪˌgri[/t]] n. 1) an ancestral line; lineage; ancestry 2) a genealogical record, esp. of a purebred animal 3) distinguished or pure ancestry 4) derivation; history 5) having established purebred ancestry: a pedigree collie[/ex] …   From formal English to slang

  • Holstein (cattle) — The Holstein or Friesian is a breed of dairy cow known today as the world s highest production dairy animal. Originating in Europe, Holsteins were developed in what is now the Netherlands and more specifically in the two northern provinces of… …   Wikipedia

  • South Devon cattle — A bull and two calves South Devon cattle, also known as Orange Elephants,[1] are the largest of the British Native breeds. They are believed to have descended from the large red cattle of Normandy which were imported during the Norman invasion of …   Wikipedia

  • Shetland cattle — are a small, hardy cattle breed from the Shetland Isles off the north coast of Scotland.Shetland cattle possess their characteristic genetic qualities of thriftiness, productivity and hardiness, through adaptation and survival in one of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Jersey cattle — For other uses, see Jersey (disambiguation). Jersey A Jersey cow in the western United States Country of origin Jersey Traits …   Wikipedia

  • Hereford (cattle) — A Hereford bull …   Wikipedia

  • Miniature cattle — The miniature cattle s popularity is on the rise due to their compatibility with small acreage farms. Some miniature breeds, such as Dexter and certain strains of Zebu, are descendants of primitive cattle that existed before domestication and… …   Wikipedia

  • Kerry cattle — are a rare breed of dairy cattle, native to Ireland. They are believed to be one of the oldest breeds in Europe [ [ History of The Kerry Cow] ] . Their coat is almost entirely black, with a little white on the …   Wikipedia

  • Sir Peter Mackie, 1st Baronet — Sir Peter Jeffrey Mackie, 1st Baronet (26 November 1855 ndash;22 September 1924) was a Scottish whisky distiller and writer.Mackie was born at St Ninians, Stirling. His father, Alexander Mackie, was a distiller. He was educated at Stirling High… …   Wikipedia

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