- aversive
- [əʹvɜ:sıv] a мед.
создающий отвращение (к алкоголю и т. п.)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
aversive — adj. 1. of or pertaining to aversion. [WordNet 1.5] 2. exhibiting avoidance or causing avoidance. aversive conditioning aversive behavior [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
aversive — [ə vʉr′siv] adj. [ AVERS(ION) + IVE] 1. characterized by aversion 2. Psychol. designating or having to do with conditioning, therapy, etc. intended to produce an aversion to a certain kind of undesirable behavior … English World dictionary
aversive — aversively, adv. aversiveness, n. /euh verr siv, ziv/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to aversion. 2. of or pertaining to aversive conditioning. n. 3. a reprimand, punishment, or agent, used in aversive conditioning: Antabuse is a commonly used… … Universalium
aversive — a•ver•sive [[t]əˈvɜr sɪv, zɪv[/t]] adj. 1) psl of or pertaining to aversion 2) psl of or pertaining to aversive conditioning 3) psl a reprimand, punishment, or agent used in aversive conditioning • Etymology: 1590–1600 a•ver′sive•ly, adv.… … From formal English to slang
aversive — adjective Date: 1923 tending to avoid or causing avoidance of a noxious or punishing stimulus < behavior modification by aversive stimulation > • aversively adverb • aversiveness noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
aversive — 1. adjective a) Tending to repel, causing avoidance (of a situation, a behaviour, an item, etc), b) Avoidance that can be taught through the use of stimulus that either punish or reinforces. 2. noun The aversive case, also known as the evitative… … Wiktionary
aversive — aver·sive ə vər siv, ziv adj tending to avoid or causing avoidance of a noxious or punishing stimulus <behavior modification by aversive conditioning> aver·sive·ly adv aver·sive·ness n * * * aver·sive (ə vurґsiv) characterized by or… … Medical dictionary
aversive — aversion ► NOUN ▪ a strong dislike or disinclination. DERIVATIVES aversive adjective … English terms dictionary
aversive — adjective tending to repel or dissuade aversive conditioning • Pertains to noun: ↑aversion … Useful english dictionary
Aversive racism — is a theory proposed by Gaertner Dovidio (1986) based on the idea that evaluations of racial/ethnic minorities are characterised by a conflict between Whites endorsement of egalitarian values and their unacknowledged negative attitudes toward… … Wikipedia
Aversive case — The aversive or evitative case is a grammatical case found in Australian Aboriginal languages that indicates that the marked noun is avoided or feared.UsageFor example, in Walmajarri:The suffix karrarla indicates that the action (running away)… … Wikipedia