peace symbol

peace symbol
[ʹpi:s͵sımb(ə)l] = peace sign

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "peace symbol" в других словарях:

  • Peace-Symbol — Friedenszeichen und symbole drücken den Wunsch nach Frieden aus und sind in der Friedensbewegung und im Pazifismus verbreitet. CND Symbol …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • peace symbol — noun : the symbol ☮ used to signify peace * * * peace symbol, a sign in the form of a bisected circle enclosing an upside down V, used as a symbol of peace: »The familiar peace symbol…was devised in Britain for the first Ban the Bomb Aldermaston… …   Useful english dictionary

  • peace symbol — noun Date: 1970 the symbol ☮ used to signify peace …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Peace (disambiguation) — Peace is tranquility or harmony.Peace may also refer to: *Peace (surname), persons named Peace * Peace symbol * Peace (album), an album by Eurythmics * Peace (Anything Box album), an album by Anything Box * Peace (song), a 1991 single released by …   Wikipedia

  • Peace News — is a magazine first published on 6 June 1936 to serve the peace movement. From later in 1936 to April 1961 it was the official paper of the Peace Pledge Union. Hugh Brock was editor during the sixties.It was at the Peace News office at 5… …   Wikipedia

  • Peace symbols — A peace symbol is a representation or object that has come to symbolize peace. Several different symbols have been used throughout history, of which the dove, olive branch, and the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament symbol (the peace symbol) are… …   Wikipedia

  • Peace-Zeichen — Friedenszeichen und symbole drücken den Wunsch nach Frieden aus und sind in der Friedensbewegung und im Pazifismus verbreitet. CND Symbol …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • peace sign — noun 1. : a sign made by holding the palm outward and forming a V with the index and middle fingers and used to indicate the desire for peace or as a greeting or farewell 2. : peace symbol herein * * * a sign representing peace, made by extending …   Useful english dictionary

  • Peace movement — A peace movement is a social movement that seeks to achieve ideals such as the ending of a particular war (or all wars), minimize inter human violence in a particular place or type of situation, often linked to the goal of achieving world peace.… …   Wikipedia

  • Peace — [ Gari Melchers, Mural of Peace, 1896.] Peace, in the modern usage, is a concept defined by the ideal state of relationship as absence of hostility, at the international level, that of a war. Derived from the Anglo Norman pas c.1140, and meaning… …   Wikipedia

  • Peace pipe — A peace pipe, also called a calumet or medicine pipe, is a ceremonial smoking pipe used by many Native American tribes, traditionally as a token of peace.A common material [See Longfellow s Hiawatha] for calumet pipe bowls is red pipestone or… …   Wikipedia

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