
I [pi:] n
1) бот. горох (Pisum gen.)

a pea - горошина

2) горох (продукт питания)

split peas - лущёный горох

green peas - зелёный горошек

sweet peas - душистый горошек

pea soup - гороховый суп

to shell peas - лущить горох

as like as two peas - ≅ похожи как две капли воды

II [pi:] n мор.
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Смотреть что такое "pea" в других словарях:

  • Pea — Pea, n.; pl. {Peas}or {Pease}. [OE. pese, fr. AS. pisa, or OF. peis, F. pois; both fr. L. pisum; cf. Gr. ?, ?. The final s was misunderstood in English as a plural ending. Cf. {Pease}.] 1. (Bot.) A plant, and its fruit, of the genus {Pisum}, of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • PEA — or some variant therein can refer to: Pea plant Pea (song), on the Red Hot Chili Peppers album One Hot Minute Pea galaxy or Green Pea , type of galaxy that appears green Pea River, Alabama, USA PEA can be an abbreviation for: In biochemistry… …   Wikipedia

  • PEA — ist die Abkürzung für: Phenylethylamin, als beta Phenylethylamin einer der Hauptwirkstoffe von Schokolade N Palmitoylethanolamin, ein Endocannabinoid mit antioxidativer Wirkung pulslose elektrische Aktivität, einem Synonym für elektromechanische… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • pea — [pē] n. pl. peas [back form. < ME pese, pees, a pea, taken as pl. < OE pise < LL pisa < L, pl. of pisum, a pea < Gr pison, a pea] 1. an annual, tendril climbing plant (Pisum sativum) of the pea family, with white or pinkish flowers …   English World dictionary

  • pea — 17c., false singular from M.E. pease (pl. pesen), which was both single and collective (e.g. wheat, corn) but was mistaken for a plural, from O.E. pise (W.Saxon), piose (Mercian) pea, from L.L. pisa, variant of L. pisum pea, from Gk. pison,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • pea — [ pi ] noun count * a very small round green vegetable that grows in a long narrow POD a. a climbing plant whose seeds are peas like two peas in a pod INFORMAL used for saying that two people look, behave, or think exactly the same => SPLIT… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Pea — Pea, n. [OF. peis. See {Poise}.] The sliding weight on a steelyard. [Written also {pee}.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Pea — Pea, n. (Naut.) See {Peak}, n., 3. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pea — [pi:] n [Date: 1600 1700; Origin: pease pea (11 19 centuries) (mistaken as plural), from Latin pisa, plural of pisum, from Greek pison] 1.) a round green seed that is cooked and eaten as a vegetable, or the plant on which these seeds grow ▪ roast …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • pea — ► NOUN 1) a spherical green seed eaten as a vegetable. 2) the climbing leguminous plant which has pods containing peas. ORIGIN from PEASE(Cf. ↑pease), which was interpreted as being plural but in fact meant «pea» in Old English; from Greek pison …   English terms dictionary

  • Pea — Pea, bei den Birmanen, so v.w. Tempel …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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