- patresfamilias
- [͵pɑ:treıs|fəʹmılıæs,͵peıtri:s{fəʹmılıæs}-] pl от paterfamilias
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
patresfamilias — (paterfamilias) n. father as the head of a family … English contemporary dictionary
patresfamilias — /pay treez feuh mil ee euhs, pah , pa /, n. a pl. of paterfamilias. * * * … Universalium
patresfamilias — plural form of paterfamilias … English new terms dictionary
patresfamilias — plural of paterfamilias * * * plural of ↑paterfamilias … Useful english dictionary
PASCHALIS Agnus — nomine Pascha (quod proprie transitum Angeli occisoris notat) veit Exod. c. 12. v. 11. Comedetis tam cum festinatione, Pascha est Iehovae. Et vers. 21. Accipite vobis parvam pecudem perfamilias vestras, dein iugulate ipsum Pascha. 2. Chron. c. 35 … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
paterfamilias — noun (plural patresfamilias) Etymology: Middle English, from Latin, from pater father + familias, archaic genitive of familia household more at father, family Date: 15th century 1. the male head of a household 2. the father of a family 3. a man… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Arthur Sullivan — This article is about the composer. For the Australian soldier decorated with the VC, see Arthur Percy Sullivan. Arthur … Wikipedia
Jacques Offenbach — Offenbach in the 1860s Jacques Offenbach (20 June 1819 – 5 October 1880) was a Prussian born French composer, cellist and impresario. He is remembered for his nearly 100 operettas of the 1850s–1870s and his uncompleted opera The Tales of Hoffmann … Wikipedia
paterfamilias — paterfamiliar, adj. paterfamiliarly, adv. /pay teuhr feuh mil ee euhs, pah , pat euhr /, n., pl. paterfamiliases for 1, patresfamilias /pay treez feuh mil ee euhs, pah , pa / for 2. 1. the male head of a household or family, usually the father. 2 … Universalium
Paterfamilias — Pa|ter|fa|mi|li|as 〈m.; , ; altröm.; heute scherzh. Bez. für〉 Familienvater, Familienoberhaupt [lat.] * * * Pa|ter|fa|mi|li|as, der; , u. Patresfamilias [lat. pater familias] (bildungsspr. scherzh.): Familienoberhaupt; Hausherr. * * *… … Universal-Lexikon
ATRIENSIS — servus fuit apud Romanos, qui sicut Ostiarius, seu Ianitor ostium, ita is atrium tuebatur. Varro de L. L. l. 7. Si ab aede et tuendo Aedituus est, cur ab Atrio et tuendo, non Atrituus sit potius quam Atriensis. Servius ad Aen. l. 9. v. 648.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale