
[ʹpeıʃ(ə)nthʋd] n книжн.
состояние или положение больного, пациента

psychology of patienthood - психология больного

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать курсовую

Смотреть что такое "patienthood" в других словарях:

  • patienthood — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Gesamtbedeutung — (German for general meaning ), in linguistics, is the general meaning of the various uses of a morphological element. The Gesamtbedeutung of a language s past tense, for instance, might be conceived as distance from the present . This meaning… …   Wikipedia

  • Patient (grammar) — In linguistics, a grammatical patient is the participant of a situation upon whom an action is carried out. A patient as differentiated from a theme must undergo a change in state. At the very least, there is debate to this effect. Also, patient… …   Wikipedia

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  • Anorexia mirabilis — literally means miraculous lack of appetite . It refers almost exclusively to women and girls of the Middle Ages who would starve themselves, sometimes to the death, in the name of God. The phenomenon is also known by the name inedia prodigiosa… …   Wikipedia

  • Nominative–accusative language — Nominative accusative alignment Linguistic typology Morphological Isolating Synthetic …   Wikipedia

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