- pathognomonic
- [pə͵θɒgnəʹmɒnık] a мед.
патогномоничный, характерный для определённой болезни
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Pathognomonic — (often misspelled as pathognomic and sometimes as pathomnemonic ) is an adjective of Greek origin (παθογνωμονικό [σύμπτωμα] ), often used in medicine, which means diagnostic for a particular disease . A pathognomonic sign is a particular sign… … Wikipedia
Pathognomonic — Pa*thog no*mon ic, a. [Gr. ? skilled in judging of diseases; ? a disease + ? skilled: cf. F. pathognomonique. See {Gnomic}.] (Med.) Specially or decisively characteristic of a disease; indicating with certainty a disease; as, a pathognomonic… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pathognomonic — (adj.) 1640s (implied in pathognomonical), from PATHO (Cf. patho ) + gnomonikos able to judge, from gnomon one who knows (see GNOMON (Cf. gnomon)) … Etymology dictionary
pathognomonic — [pə thäg΄nō män′ik] adj. [Gr pathognōmonikos < pathos, disease (see PATHOS) + gnōmonikos, able to judge < gnōmon, one who knows: see GNOMON] indicating or typical of a particular disease … English World dictionary
Pathognomonic — A sign or symptom that is so characteristic of a disease that it makes the diagnosis. For example, Koplik’s spots (on the buccal mucosa opposite the lst and 2nd upper molars) are pathognomonic of measles. The word “pathognomonic” (pronounced… … Medical dictionary
pathognomonic — pathognomonically, adv. /peuh thog neuh mon ik/, adj. Med. characteristic or diagnostic of a specific disease: a pathognomonic sign of pneumonia. [1615 25; < Gk pathognomonikós skilled in judging disease. See PATHO , GNOMON, IC] * * * … Universalium
pathognomonic — adjective Beyond any doubt diagnostic for a particular disease. A tetrade of rash, arthralgia, abdominal pain and kidney disease in a child is pathognomonic for . Ant: assident … Wiktionary
pathognomonic — adjective Etymology: Greek pathognōmonikos, from path + gnōmonikos fit to judge, from gnōmōn interpreter; akin to Greek gignōskein to know more at know Date: 1625 distinctively characteristic of a particular disease … New Collegiate Dictionary
pathognomonic — adj. [Gr. pathos, suffering; gnom, sign] A diagnostic symptom by which a disease may be recognized … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
pathognomonic — adj. characteristic of a disease, typical of a diseasepÉ™ θɑgnÉ™ mÉ‘nɪk / θɒgnÉ™ mÉ™ … English contemporary dictionary
pathognomonic — [ˌpaθəgnə(ʊ) mɒnɪk] adjective Medicine indicative of a particular disease or condition. Origin C17: from Gk pathognōmonikos skilled in diagnosis , from pathos suffering + gnōmōn judge … English new terms dictionary