
1. [pɑ:θ] n
1. 1) тропинка, тропа; дорожка

a garden path - садовая дорожка

a path through the woods - лесная тропинка

2) велосипедная дорожка
2. 1) путь

the path to the town - путь в город

hurricane path - метеор. путь перемещения урагана

storm path - метеор. траектория штормов

path of storms - путь штормов

2) путь, дорога

to cross smb. path's - а) повстречаться /столкнуться/ с кем-л.; he gave a friendly greeting to everyone who crossed his path - он дружески приветствовал всех, кто встречался ему по пути; б) встать кому-л. поперёк дороги

to be in smb.'s path - встать на чьём-л. пути, стать кому-л. поперёк дороги

he crushed everything crossing his path - он сметал всё на своём пути

3) курс, маршрут (полёта)

glide path - ав. глиссада планирования

4) траектория

path of bomb - траектория полёта бомбы

take-off path - траектория взлёта (ракеты и т. п.)

5) физ. пробег (частицы)
3. 1) путь, стезя

the beaten path - избитый путь

the path of glory - славный путь

a path to success - путь к успеху

to enter /to take/ the path - вступить на путь

to go /to follow/ in smb.'s path - следовать за кем-л.

to stray from the narrow path - образн. сбиться с пути

2) линия поведения или действия

to follow the path of duty - следовать долгу

3) редк. ход мысли, рассуждения
4. 1) дорожка (лёгкая атлетика)
2) круг ипподрома
5. спорт. проход в защите
6. мед. нервный путь, проводящий путь (головного и спинного мозга)
2. [pɑ:θ] v уст.
следовать по пути

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "path" в других словарях:

  • Path 64 — or the Marketplace Adelanto line is a very long 202 mile (325 km) 500 kilovolt power line that runs from the Adelanto substation close to Adelanto, California and the High Desert all the way to the Marketplace substation in Nevada.[1][2]… …   Wikipedia

  • path — W2S2 [pa:θ US pæθ] n plural paths [pa:ðz US pæðz] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(track)¦ 2¦(way through something)¦ 3¦(direction)¦ 4¦(plan)¦ 5 somebody s paths cross ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [: Old English; Origin: pAth] 1.) …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Path 26 — is a set of three 500 kV power lines that forms Southern California Edison s (SCE) intertie with Pacific Gas Electric (PG E) to the north. Since PG E s power grid and SCE s grid both have interconnections to elsewhere in the Pacific Northwest and …   Wikipedia

  • Path 46 — Path 46, also called West of Colorado River, Arizona California West of the River Path (WOR), is a set of many high voltage electrical power transmission lines that are located in southeast California and Nevada up to the Colorado River. This… …   Wikipedia

  • Path — PathPath may also refer to:*Course (navigation), the intended path of a vehicle over the surface of the Earth *Trail, footpath, or bicycle way in rural or urban settings *Sidewalk running along the edge of a road, in some varieties of English… …   Wikipedia

  • path — [ pæθ ] noun count *** 1. ) a way from one place to another that people can walk along: a steep mountain path A short path through the woods leads to the village. up/down/along a path: Amy walked up the path to the house. a ) a way from one place …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Path 15 — is the name of a major north south power transmission corridor in California. It forms a part of the Pacific AC Intertie and the California Oregon Transmission Project. Path 15, along with the Pacific DC Intertie running far to the east, forms an …   Wikipedia

  • Path 66 — (also called the California Oregon Intertie or abbreviated COI) is the name of several 500 kV power lines that were built by Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), Pacific Gas Electric (PG E), and PacifiCorp in the early 1970s to 1990s and… …   Wikipedia

  • path — /path, pahth/, n., pl. paths /padhz, pahdhz, paths, pahths/. 1. a way beaten, formed, or trodden by the feet of persons or animals. 2. a narrow walk or way: a path through a garden; a bicycle path. 3. a route, course, or track along which… …   Universalium

  • Path 61 — or the Lugo Victorville 500 kV Line is a relatively short AC 500 kV power line that runs from Southern California Edison s (SCE) Lugo substation southwest of Hesperia to Los Angeles Department of Water and Power s (LADW P) Victorville substation… …   Wikipedia

  • path — path1 [path, päth] n. [ME < OE pæth, akin to Ger pfad, Du pad, prob. early Gmc loanword < Iran (as in Avestan path ) < IE base * pent(h) , to step, go > FIND, L pons, bridge] 1. a track or way worn by footsteps; trail 2. a walk or way …   English World dictionary

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