- pastoralize
- [ʹpɑ:st(ə)rəlaız] v
1. придавать сельский вид
a pastoralized edition of Kensington Gardens - сельский вариант Кенсингтонского парка
2. писать пасторали
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
a pastoralized edition of Kensington Gardens - сельский вариант Кенсингтонского парка
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
pastoralize — ˈpast(ə)rəˌlīz transitive verb ( ed/ ing/ s ; see ize ) 1. : to render pastoral or rural; specifically : to convert to a pastoral economy or social organization his famous proposal to pastoralize the country Robert Lekachman 2. : to put into a… … Useful english dictionary
pastoralize — pastoralization, n. /pas teuhr euh luyz , pah steuhr /, v.t., pastoralized, pastoralizing. 1. to make pastoral or rural. 2. to celebrate in a pastoral or set in a pastoral form. Also, esp. Brit., pastoralise. [1815 25; PASTORAL + IZE] * * * … Universalium
pastoralize — pas·to·ral·ize … English syllables
Hugh Gibson — Hugh S. Gibson (August 16, 1883 – December 12, 1954), Career diplomat and “career humanitarian” ( New York Times , December 13, 1954), was actively involved in disarmament talks from 1925 to 1932, and (together with such colleagues as ambassadors … Wikipedia
The President's Economic Mission to Germany and Austria — was the title of a series of reports commissioned by U.S. President Harry S. Truman and written by former U.S. President Herbert Hoover. Based on Hoover s previous experience with Germany at the end of World War I, in January 1947 President Harry … Wikipedia
pastoralization — See pastoralize. * * * … Universalium
farm — Synonyms and related words: Arcadian, Dymaxion house, White House, acreage, adobe house, agrarian, agrestic, agricultural, agronomic, allotment, arable, arable land, barnyard, barton, be killed, breed, bucolic, building, casa, cattle ranch,… … Moby Thesaurus
rusticate — Synonyms and related words: ban, banish, blackball, cast out, cop out, countrify, cut, deport, disfellowship, exclude, excommunicate, exile, expatriate, expel, extradite, farm, forsake the world, fugitate, go into retirement, live alone, live… … Moby Thesaurus
rusticate — v 1. vacation, vacation in the country, sojourn, sojourn in the country, retire to the country, estivate; retire, go into retirement, retire from the world, abandon or forsake the world, seclude oneself, go into seclusion, shut oneself up, hole… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
pastoralise — /ˈpastərəlaɪz/ (say pahstuhruhluyz) verb (t) (pastoralised, pastoralising) 1. to convert to agricultural use: to pastoralise forests. 2. to convert (an industrial economy) to an agricultural economy. 3. to render as a pastoral (def. 8). Also,… …
pas|tor|al|ize — «PAS tuhr uh lyz, PAHS », transitive verb, ized, iz|ing. 1. to make pastoral or rural: »The [Morgenthau] plan proposed to destroy all German industry and pastoralize the nation (Time). 2. to make the subject or theme of a pastoral; celebrate in a … Useful english dictionary