
1. [ɔ:gʹzıljərı] n
1. 1) помощник, подчинённый

the doctor tries to find three auxiliaries to work under him - врач пытается найти трёх медсестёр

2) pl вспомогательный или обслуживающий персонал; работники среднего и низшего звена
2. грам. вспомогательный глагол
3. амер. воен. рядовая женского вспомогательного корпуса
4. обыкн. pl иностранные наёмные войска; наёмники
5. pl
1) вспомогательные устройства
2) оборудование для собственных нужд (электроустановки и т. п.)
6. мат. вспомогательная функция
7. мор. вспомогательное судно
2. [ɔ:gʹzıljərı] a
1. 1) вспомогательный

auxiliary verb - грам. вспомогательный глагол

auxiliary arm - воен. вспомогательный род войск

auxiliary point - амер. воен. вспомогательная точка (наводки)

auxiliary target - воен. репер

auxiliary engine - вспомогательный двигатель

2) добавочный, дополнительный

auxiliary accessories - геол. случайные спутники, второстепенные минералы

auxiliary transmission - авт. дополнительная коробка передач, демультипликатор

2. запасной; аварийный

auxiliary landing field - воен. вспомогательный аэродром

3. мор. оборудованный стационарным вспомогательным двигателем (о парусном судне)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "auxiliary" в других словарях:

  • Auxiliary — may refer to:*A backup system *An auxiliary input. See Scart and Jack (connector). *An auxiliary verb *International auxiliary language *Auxiliary police *Troops supporting the main force of an army see auxiliaries **Armed Forces auxiliary… …   Wikipedia

  • auxiliary — auxiliary, subsidiary, accessory, contributory, subservient, ancillary, adjuvant mean supplying aid or support. Auxiliary may imply subordinate rank or position {an auxiliary organization} {an auxiliary bishop} {the conclusion that the humanistic …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Auxiliary — Aux*il ia*ry (?; 106), a. [L. auxiliarius, fr. auxilium help, aid, fr. augere to increase.] Conferring aid or help; helping; aiding; assisting; subsidiary; as auxiliary troops. [1913 Webster] {Auxiliary scales} (Mus.), the scales of relative or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • auxiliary — [ôg zil′yə rē; ôgzil′ē ə rē, ôg zilē er΄ē; ] often [, ôgzil′ə rē] adj. [L auxiliaris, helpful < auxilium, aid < pp. of augere, to increase: see WAX2] 1. giving help or aid; assisting or supporting 2. acting in a subsidiary, or subordinate,… …   English World dictionary

  • auxiliary — Ⅰ. auxiliary UK US /ɔːgˈzɪliəri/ adjective ► used in addition to the main team, organization, system, etc. in order to give extra help and support: auxiliary staff/police/nurses »About 4800 unarmed auxiliary police officers work on a volunteer… …   Financial and business terms

  • auxiliary — index abettor, additional, adjunct, affiliate, appurtenance, appurtenant, associate, backer, clerical …   Law dictionary

  • Auxiliary — Aux*il ia*ry, n.; pl. {Auxiliaries}. 1. A helper; an assistant; a confederate in some action or enterprise. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mil.) pl. Foreign troops in the service of a nation at war; (rarely in sing.), a member of the allied or subsidiary… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • auxiliary — [adj] supplementary abetting, accessory, adjuvant, ancillary, appurtenant, backup, complementary, contributory, extra, reserve, secondary, spare, subordinate, subservient, subsidiary, supporting; concepts 546,824 Ant. body, main auxiliary [n]… …   New thesaurus

  • auxiliary — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ providing supplementary or additional help and support. ► NOUN (pl. auxiliaries) ▪ an auxiliary person or thing. ORIGIN Latin auxiliarius, from auxilium help …   English terms dictionary

  • auxiliary — (adj.) c.1600, from L. auxiliaris helpful, from auxilium aid, help, support, related to auctus, pp. of augere to increase (see AUGMENT (Cf. augment)). Military noun meaning foreign troops in service of a nation at war is from c.1600 …   Etymology dictionary

  • auxiliary — /awg zil yeuh ree, zil euh /, adj., n., pl. auxiliaries. adj. 1. additional; supplementary; reserve: an auxiliary police force. 2. used as a substitute or reserve in case of need: The hospital has an auxiliary power system in case of a blackout.… …   Universalium

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