party dress

party dress
[pɑ:tıʹdres] = party frock

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "party dress" в других словарях:

  • party dress — noun A womans dress that is too elegant, revealing, dressy or impractical for normal wear. 1977 Elvis Costello Alison …   Wiktionary

  • party — partyless, adj. /pahr tee/, n., pl. parties, adj., v., partied, partying. n. 1. a social gathering, as of invited guests at a private home, for conversation, refreshments, entertainment, etc.: a cocktail party. 2. a group gathered for a special… …   Universalium

  • party — 1 noun plural parties (C) 1 FOR FUN an occasion when people meet together, to enjoy themselves by eating, drinking, dancing etc: a birthday party | a garden party | Want to come to a party on Saturday? | Let s have a party here before we move out …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • party — /ˈpati / (say pahtee) noun (plural parties) 1. a group gathered together for some purpose, as for amusement or entertainment. 2. a social gathering or entertainment, as of invited guests at a private house or elsewhere: to give a party. 3. a… …  

  • party — par•ty [[t]ˈpɑr ti[/t]] n. pl. ties, 1) a social gathering for conversation, refreshments, entertainment, etc 2) a group gathered for some special purpose or task: a search party[/ex] 3) a group of persons who support one side of a dispute,… …   From formal English to slang

  • Dress code — redirects here. For the 2000 film released on video as The Dress Code, see Bruno (2000 film). Male Western dress code …   Wikipedia

  • Dress Big — Desperate Housewives episode Episode no. Season 3 Episode 17 Directed by Matthew Diamond Writte …   Wikipedia

  • Dress-up — is a game played mainly by children. It involves dressing up, usually to impersonate someone or something, like an animal or character in a fairy tale. The type of clothes they dress up in often resembles who they are trying to be, either adults… …   Wikipedia

  • Dress Circle (Theatre Shop) — The Dress Circle is a British specialist store located near Covent Garden, London. Contents 1 History 2 Merchandise 3 Theatre Evenings 4 C …   Wikipedia

  • Dress-Up — is a game played mainly by girls. It involves dressing up, usually to impersonate someone. The type of clothes they dress up in often resembles who they are trying to be, either adults clothing or special play clothes designed specifically for… …   Wikipedia

  • Party — Parties redirects here. For other uses, see The Parties (disambiguation). Birthday party redirects here. For other uses, see Birthday party (disambiguation). Pool party redirects here. For the video game, see Pool Party. For other uses, see Party …   Wikipedia

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