- partwork
- [ʹpɑ:twɜ:k] n
1) книга, выходящая отдельными выпусками2) издание, выходящее отдельными томами
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Partwork — A partwork is a written publication released as a series of planned magazine like issues over a period of time. Each issue is released on a weekly or monthly basis, and often a completed set is designed to form a reference work on a particular… … Wikipedia
Partwork — Part|work [ pɑ:twə:k] das; s, s <aus gleichbed. engl. amerik. partwork, eigtl. »Teilwerk«> in Lieferungen od. Einzelbänden erscheinendes Buch bzw. Buchreihe (Buchw.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
partwork — noun A written publication released as a series of pre planned magazine like issues over a period of time, distributed through the same channels as magazines … Wiktionary
Partwork — Part|work 〈[pa:(r)twœ:k] n. 15〉 in Teillieferungen erscheinende Buchreihe, Zeitschrift o. Ä. [<engl. part „Teil“ + work „Arbeit“] * * * Part|work [ pɑ:twə:k], das; s, s [engl. part work, eigtl. = Teilwerk] (Buchw.): Buch o. Ä., das nach u.… … Universal-Lexikon
Partwork — Part|work 〈[pa:(r)twœ:k] n.; Gen.: s, Pl.: s〉 in Teillieferungen erscheinende Buchreihe, Zeitschrift o. Ä. [Etym.: <engl. part »Teil« + work »Arbeit«] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
partwork — partˈwork noun One of a series of publications (esp magazines) issued at regular intervals, eventually forming a complete course or book • • • Main Entry: ↑part … Useful english dictionary
Partwork publishing — Издание популярных брошюр (в виде продолжающихся выпусков) … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
The Museum of Everything — Genre Comedy Running time 28 minutes Country United Kingdom … Wikipedia
The Ancestral Trail — When he who is the Chosen One Shall tread upon the Ancient Path And battle there to overcome The Forces of Dark Then shall the Seven be restored And evil banished from this world The Ancestral Trail is a now out of print partwork magazine that… … Wikipedia
Story Teller — (sold as Story Time in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa) was a magazine partwork published by Marshall Cavendish between 1982 and 1985. Publishing HistoryThe original Story Teller was released in 1982 as a fortnightly partwork. Each… … Wikipedia
CSI franchise — Infobox Media franchises head color= label color= title=CSI franchise image caption= creator=Anthony E. Zuiker origin= tv= books= novels=Novels comics=Comics series films= plays= musicals= games= rpgs= vgs= soundtracks= otherlabel1=Exhibition… … Wikipedia