Partlet — Part let, n. [Dim. of part.] 1. A covering for the neck, and sometimes for the shoulders and breast; originally worn by both sexes, but later by women alone; a ruff. [Obs.] Fuller. [1913 Webster] 2. A hen; so called from the ruffing of her neck… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
partlet — [pärt′lit] n. [earlier patelet < MFr patelette, band of stuff, orig., dim. of pate, a paw] a covering for the neck and upper chest, worn chiefly by women in the 16th cent … English World dictionary
partlet — I. ˈpärtlə̇t, ˈpȧt , usu ə̇d.+V noun ( s) Etymology: alteration of Middle English (Scots) patelet, from Middle French patelette band of cloth, diminutive of patte paw more at patten : a covering for the neck and shoulders worn chiefly by women… … Useful english dictionary
partlet — noun Etymology: Middle English (Scots) patelet, from Middle French patelette, from diminutive of patte paw Date: 1519 a 16th century chemisette with a band or collar … New Collegiate Dictionary
partlet — /pahrt lit/, n. a garment for the neck and shoulders, usually ruffled and having a collar, worn in the 16th century. [1510 20; unexplained var. of late ME patelet < MF patelette strip of cloth, band, lit., little paw, equiv. to OF pate paw + lete … Universalium
partlet — noun A hen; so called from the ruffing of her neck feathers. Dame Partlett, the hen. Shak … Wiktionary
partlet — part·let … English syllables
partlet — part•let [[t]ˈpɑrt lɪt[/t]] n. clo a garment for the neck and shoulders, usu. having a collar, worn in the 16th century • Etymology: 1510–20; alter. of late ME patelet < MF patelette strip of cloth, band, lit., little paw … From formal English to slang
partlet — a woman s ruff. N … A glossary of provincial and local words used in England
1500-1550 in fashion — Fashion in the period 1500 1550 in Western Europe is marked the age of nudity by voluminous clothing worn in an abundance of layers (one reaction to the cooling temperatures of the Little Ice Age, especially in Northern Europe and the British… … Wikipedia
1550-1600 in fashion — Fashion in the period 1550 1600 in Western European clothing is characterized by increased opulence, the rise of the ruff, the expansion of the farthingale for women, and, for men, the disappearance of the codpiece.General trendsThe Spanish… … Wikipedia