- autopsy
- 1. [ʹɔ:tɒpsı] n
1. вскрытие трупа, аутопсия2. критический разбор события, матча и т. п.3. филос. личное наблюдение или самонаблюдение2. [ʹɔ:tɒpsı] vпроизводить вскрытие трупа
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Autopsy — Жанры брутальный дэт метал дэт дум метал Годы 1987 1995, 2008, c 2009 … Википедия
autopsy — au·top·sy / ȯ ˌtäp sē, təp / n pl sies: an examination of a body after death usu. involving dissection esp. to determine the cause of death – called also post mortem, post mortem examination; autopsy vt Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law.… … Law dictionary
Autopsy — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Autopsy fue una influyente banda de death metal, fundada en 1987 en los Estados Unidos por Chris Reifert después de dejar Death. Contenido 1 Biografía 2 Miembros 2.1 … Wikipedia Español
Autopsy — Au top*sy, n. [Gr. ?, fr. ? seen by one s self; ? self + ? seen: cf. F. autopsie. See {Optic}, a.] 1. Personal observation or examination; seeing with one s own eyes; ocular view. [1913 Webster] By autopsy and experiment. Cudworth. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Autopsy — Allgemeine Informationen Genre(s) Death Metal Gründung 1987 Auflösung 1995 Neugründung 2009 … Deutsch Wikipedia
autopsy — (n.) 1650s, an eye witnessing, from Mod.L. autopsia, from Gk. autopsia a seeing with one s own eyes, from autos self (see AUTO (Cf. auto )) + opsis a sight (see EYE (Cf. eye) (n.)). Sense of dissection of a body to determine cause of death is… … Etymology dictionary
autopsy — [n] examination of dead body dissection, necropsy, pathological examination, postmortem; concepts 103,310 … New thesaurus
autopsy — ► NOUN (pl. autopsies) ▪ an examination of a dead body to discover the cause of death or the extent of disease. ORIGIN Greek autopsia, from autopt s eyewitness … English terms dictionary
autopsy — [ô′täp΄sē, ôt′əp sē] n. pl. autopsies [ML & Gr autopsia, a seeing with one s own eyes < Gr autos, self + opsis, a sight < ōps, EYE] 1. an examination and dissection of a dead body to discover the cause of death, damage done by disease,… … English World dictionary
Autopsy — Post mortem redirects here. For other uses, see Post mortem (disambiguation). This article is about the medical procedure. For other uses, see Autopsy (disambiguation). Autopsy Intervention The … Wikipedia
autopsy — autopsist, n. /aw top see, aw teuhp /, n., pl. autopsies, v., autopsied, autopsying. n. 1. inspection and dissection of a body after death, as for determination of the cause of death; postmortem examination. 2. an analysis of something after it… … Universalium