Autonomic — can refer to several things, including: *Autonomic Nervous System *Autonomic Computing *Autonomic Networking *Autonomic Systems … Wikipedia
autonomic — [ôt΄ənäm′ik] adj. 1. occurring involuntarily; automatic 2. of or controlled by the autonomic nervous system 3. Biol. resulting from internal causes, as through a mutation autonomically adv … English World dictionary
Autonomic — Au to*nom ic, a. Having the power of self government; autonomous. Hickok. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
autonomic — index autonomous (self governing), free (enjoying civil liberty) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
autonomic — (adj.) 1832, pertaining to AUTONOMY (Cf. autonomy) (q.v.); used mostly in physiology. Autonomical is recorded from 1650s … Etymology dictionary
autonomic — Relating to the a. nervous system. * * * au·to·nom·ic .ȯt ə näm ik adj 1 a) acting or occurring involuntarily <autonomic reflexes> b) relating to, affecting, or controlled by the autonomic nervous system <autonomic ganglia>… … Medical dictionary
autonomic — adjective Date: 1898 1. acting or occurring involuntarily < autonomic reflexes > 2. relating to, affecting, or controlled by the autonomic nervous system or its effects or activity < autonomic drugs > • autonomically adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
autonomic — autonomically, adv. /aw teuh nom ik/, adj. 1. autonomous. 2. of or pertaining to the autonomic nervous system. 3. Physiol. under the control of the autonomic nervous system. 4. Cell Biol. produced by internal forces or causes; spontaneous. Also,… … Universalium
autonomic — adjective a) Acting or occurring involuntarily, without conscious control. b) Pertaining to the autonomic nervous system. See Also: autonomics, autonomous … Wiktionary
autonomic — au•to•nom•ic [[t]ˌɔ təˈnɒm ɪk[/t]] adj. 1) autonomous 2) anat. phl of, pertaining to, or controlled by the autonomic nervous system 3) cbl Biol. internally caused; spontaneous • Etymology: 1825–35 au to•nom′i•cal•ly, adv … From formal English to slang
autonomic — /ɔtəˈnɒmɪk/ (say awtuh nomik) adjective 1. autonomous. 2. Botany produced by internal forces or causes; spontaneous. 3. of or relating to the autonomic nervous system. 4. of or relating to autonomics. –autonomically, adverb …