- paraplegia
- [͵pærəʹpli:dʒ(ı)ə] n мед.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Paraplegia — Par a*ple gi*a, Paraplegy Par a*ple gy, n. [NL. paraplegia, fr. Gr. ? hemiplegia, fr. ? to strike at the side; para beside + ? to strike: cf. F. parapl[ e]gie.] (Med.) Palsy of the lower half of the body on both sides, caused usually by disease… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
paraplegia — /paraple dʒia/ s.f. [dal gr. paraplēgía, comp. di para para 2 e plēgía plegia ]. (med.) [perdita della capacità di muovere gli arti inferiori] ▶◀ ‖ paresi. ⇑ paralisi … Enciclopedia Italiana
paraplegia — [par΄ə plē′jē ə, par΄ə plē′jə] n. [ModL < Gr paraplēgia, a stroke at one side: see PARA 1 & PLEGIA] motor and sensory paralysis of the entire lower half of the body paraplegic [par΄əplē′jik, par΄əplej′ik] adj., n … English World dictionary
paraplegia — (n.) paralysis of the lower half of the body, 1650s, coined in Modern Latin from Ionic Gk. paraplegie paralysis of one side of the body, from paraplessein strike at the side, paraplessesthai be stricken on one side, from para beside (see PARA (Cf … Etymology dictionary
paraplegia — s. f. [Medicina] Paralisia dos dois membros inferiores do corpo, geralmente acompanhada de paralisia do abdômen, bexiga e reto. ‣ Etimologia: para + plegia … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
paraplegia — ► NOUN ▪ paralysis of the legs and lower body. DERIVATIVES paraplegic adjective & noun. ORIGIN Greek, from parapl ssein strike at the side … English terms dictionary
Paraplegia — Infobox Disease Name = Paraplegia Caption = DiseasesDB = ICD10 = ICD9 = ICDO = OMIM = MedlinePlus = eMedicineSubj = eMedicineTopic = MeshID = D010264 Paraplegia is an impairment in motor and/or sensory function of the lower extremities. It is… … Wikipedia
paraplegia — paraplegic /par euh plee jik, plej ik/, adj., n. /par euh plee jee euh, jeuh/, n. Pathol. paralysis of both lower limbs due to spinal disease or injury. [1650 60; < NL < Gk paraplegía. See PARA 1, PLEGIA] * * * ▪ pathology paralysis of the … Universalium
paraplegia — [[t]pæ̱rəpli͟ːʤə[/t]] N UNCOUNT Paraplegia is the condition of being unable to move the lower half of your body. [MEDICAL] … English dictionary
paraplegia — [ˌparə pli:dʒə] noun paralysis of the legs and lower body, typically caused by spinal injury or disease. Compare with monoplegia. Derivatives paraplegic adjective &noun Origin C17: mod. L., from Gk paraplēgia, from paraplēssein strike at the side … English new terms dictionary
paraplegia — par•a•ple•gi•a [[t]ˌpær əˈpli dʒi ə, dʒə[/t]] n. pat paralysis of both lower limbs due to spinal disease or injury • Etymology: 1650–60; < NL < Gk paraplēgía. See para I, plegia par a•ple′gic ˈpli dʒɪk, ˈplɛdʒ ɪk adj. n … From formal English to slang