- paraphasia
- [͵pærəʹfeızıə] n мед.
парафазия, нарушение речи (неправильное употребление звуков и слов)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Paraphasia — is a feature of aphasia in which one loses the ability of speaking correctly, substitutes one word for another, and changes words and sentences in an inappropriate way. It often develops after a stroke or brain injury. The patient s speech is… … Wikipedia
paraphasia — A form of aphasia in which a person has lost the ability to speak correctly, substituting one word for another and jumbling words and sentences unintelligibly. SEE ALSO: jargon. SYN: paragrammatism, paraphrasia, pseudoagrammatism. [para + G.… … Medical dictionary
paraphasia — n. a disorder of language in which unintended syllables, words, or phrases are interpolated in the patient s speech. A severe degree of paraphasia results in speech that is a meaningless jumble of words and sounds, called jargon aphasia … The new mediacal dictionary
paraphasia — noun A symptom of aphasia in which the sufferer substitutes a spoken word different from the one intended … Wiktionary
paraphasia — [ˌparə feɪzɪə] noun Psychology speech disturbance in which words are jumbled and sentences meaningless, resulting from brain damage. Derivatives paraphasic adjective … English new terms dictionary
paraphasia — par·a·pha·sia … English syllables
paraphasia — n. mental disorder marked by constant talking with misuse of words. ♦ paraphasic, a … Dictionary of difficult words
paraphasia — … Useful english dictionary
central paraphasia — paraphasia due to a brain lesion … Medical dictionary
Парафазия (Paraphasia) — нарушение речи, характеризующееся проскальзыванием неожиданных звуков, слов или фраз в речи человека. При наличии у человека парафазии сильной степени речь может стать бессмысленным набором отдельных слов и звуков; такое состояние называется… … Медицинские термины
literal paraphasia — paralalia literalis … Medical dictionary