
[ʹpærənımf] n
1. паранимф (дружка на свадьбе в Древней Греции)
2. ходатай по делам, заступник

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "paranymph" в других словарях:

  • Paranymph — Par a*nymph, n. [L. paranymphus, Gr. ?; para beside, near + ? a bride: cf. F. paranymphe.] 1. (Gr. Antiq.) (a) A friend of the bridegroom who went with him in his chariot to fetch home the bride. Milton. (b) The bridesmaid who conducted the bride …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • paranymph — [par′ə nimf΄] n. [LL paranymphus < Gr paranymphos < para , beside (see PARA 1) + nymphē, bride: see NUBILE] 1. in ancient Greece, a groomsman who escorted the bridegroom when he went to bring his bride home, or a bridesmaid who escorted the …   English World dictionary

  • Paranymph — A paranymph is a ceremonial assistant and or coach in a ceremony. In ancient Greek weddings the bride and bridegroom were attended by paranymphs, and from this use it has been generalized to refer to attendants of doctoral students, best men and… …   Wikipedia

  • paranymph — noun Etymology: Late Latin paranymphus, from Greek paranymphos, from para + nymphē bride more at nuptial Date: 1600 1. a friend going with a bridegroom to fetch home the bride in ancient Greece; also the bridesmaid conducting the bride to the… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • paranymph — /par euh nimf /, n. 1. a groomsman or a bridesmaid. 2. (in ancient Greece) a. a friend who accompanied the bridegroom when he went to bring home the bride. b. the bridesmaid who escorted the bride to the bridegroom. [1585 95; < LL paranymphus …   Universalium

  • paranymph — Synonyms and related words: Maecenas, abettor, acolyte, adjutant, admirer, advocate, aficionado, agent, aid, aide, aide de camp, aider, alter ego, alternate, amicus curiae, angel, apologist, assistant, attendant, attorney, auxiliary, backer,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • paranymph — para·nymph …   English syllables

  • paranymph — par•a•nymph [[t]ˈpær əˌnɪmf[/t]] n. 1) a groomsman or a bridesmaid 2) anq (in ancient Greece) a) a friend who accompanied the bridegroom when he went to bring home the bride b) a bridesmaid who escorted the bride to the bridegroom • Etymology:… …   From formal English to slang

  • paranymph — 1. The best man or bridesmaid at a wedding 2. One who assists or speaks on behalf of another, particulary in love matters …   Grandiloquent dictionary

  • paranymph — /ˈpærənɪmf/ (say paruhnimf) noun 1. a best man or a bridesmaid. 2. (in ancient Greece) a. a friend who accompanied the bridegroom when he went to bring home the bride. b. the bridesmaid who escorted the bride to the bridegroom. {Greek paranymphos …  

  • paranymph —   n. archaic, best man; bridesmaid …   Dictionary of difficult words

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