- parah
- [ʹpɑ:rə] = para2
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
PARAH — (Heb. פָּרָה heifer ), name of the fourth treatise in the Mishnah and the Tosefta in the order of tohorot . This tractate is based upon the pentateuchal law of the burning of the red heifer as set forth in Numbers 19:1–22. The tractate is divided … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Parah — Parah, indisches Maß, namentlich in Bombay, entspricht a) bei Getreide 20,32 Kilogramm od. 40,64 Zollpfund; b) bei Reis 12,24 Kilogramm od. 24,48 Zollpfund; c) bei Salz 26,34 Litres; 8 P s = 1 Candy … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Parah — (engl. basket, »Korb«), ostind. Trockenmaß: in Bombay (Pahrah) zu 101/2 Adauli = 26,343 Lit. Salz mit 56 Pfd. avdp., in Madras zu 5 Markals = 61,455 L. mit 115,7 Pfd. avdp. Gewicht bei Reis, auf Ceylon (Parrah) = 2 Markals. Sodann Gewicht: in… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Parah — Parah, ind. Maß = 431/10 Zollpf … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
PARAH, PERATH — (Heb. פָּרָה, פְּרָת), town (Parah) listed among the cities of Benjamin with Avvim and Ophrah (Josh. 18:23). Jeremiah was bidden by the Lord to hide his girdle by the Perath (AV translation: Euphrates); when the girdle was later removed, it was… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Parah — The heifer, a town in Benjamin (Josh. 18:23), supposed to be identical with the ruins called Far ah, about 6 miles north east of Jerusalem, in the Wady Far ah, which is a branch of the Wady Kelt … Easton's Bible Dictionary
paraḥ — परः … Indonesian dictionary
paraḥ-kṛishṇa — परःकृष्ण … Indonesian dictionary
paraḥ-purusha — परःपुरुष … Indonesian dictionary
paraḥ-puṉsā́ — परःपुंसा … Indonesian dictionary
paraḥ-sahasrá — परःसहस्र … Indonesian dictionary