- paraglider
- [ʹpærə͵glaıdə] n
параплан, парашютирующее (гибкое) крыло
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
paraglider — (izg. pàraglajder) m DEFINICIJA sport padobran za paragliding ETIMOLOGIJA vidi paragliding … Hrvatski jezični portal
paraglider — noun a) One who paraglides. b) The complete equipment used for paragliding, consisting of a paraglider wing and a harness. Syn: paraglider pilot, pilot … Wiktionary
paraglider — [[t]pæ̱rəglaɪdə(r)[/t]] paragliders 1) N COUNT A paraglider is a special type of parachute that you use for paragliding. 2) N COUNT A paraglider is a person who paraglides … English dictionary
paraglider — noun a wide canopy resembling a parachute that is attached to a person s body by a harness in order to allow them to glide through the air after jumping from or being hauled to a height. ↘a person flying a paraglider. Derivatives paraglide verb… … English new terms dictionary
paraglider — parasparnis statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Parašiutą primenanti skraidyklė. Parasparnio su pakabinimo sistema skraiduolinė sveria 10–20 kg. Skrendant parasparniu pasiekiamas 20–70 km/val. greitis. Skraidyti parasparniu… … Sporto terminų žodynas
paraglider — paragliding ► NOUN ▪ a sport in which a person glides through the air by means of a wide parachute after jumping from or being hauled to a height. DERIVATIVES paraglide verb paraglider noun … English terms dictionary
paraglider — noun Date: 1944 1. a modified parachute used for paragliding 2. a person who paraglides … New Collegiate Dictionary
Paraglider — Ein Gleitschirm im Flug Gleitschirm am Boden, vor dem Start Gleitschirme sind spezielle, zum Gleitsegeln, Gleitschirmfliegen bzw. Paragleiten … Deutsch Wikipedia
paraglider — /par euh gluy deuhr/, n. a steerable glider with inflatable wings proposed for use as an emergency vehicle for travel between a space station and the earth or for the recovery of rocket boosters. Also called parawing. [1940 45; PARA 3 + GLIDER] * … Universalium
Paraglider — Pa|ra|gli|der 〈[ glaıdə(r)] m. 3〉 = Glider (2) * * * Pa|ra|gli|der […gla̮i…], der; s, : 1. Gleitschirm. 2. jmd. der Paragliding betreibt … Universal-Lexikon
paraglider — par·a·glid·er || pærə‚glaɪdÉ™(r) n. type of small windborne aircraft having a harness from which a rider hangs … English contemporary dictionary