- pantryman
1> буфетчик (на пароходе)
2> буфетчик
3> помощник буфетчика
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
pantryman — noun Date: circa 1567 a person in charge of or working in a pantry (as in a hotel or hospital) … New Collegiate Dictionary
pantryman — /pan tree meuhn/, n., pl. pantrymen. a person who works in or has charge of a pantry, as aboard ship or in a hospital. [1555 65; PANTRY + MAN] * * * … Universalium
pantryman — noun A person in charge of the pantry, or food store, on a ship, train, or other transport where food is kept for passengers and crew. Also in a hospital, school, or hotel, etc … Wiktionary
pantryman — n. person who works in or is in charge of a pantry; man who is in charge of wines and the table; butler … English contemporary dictionary
pantryman — pan·try·man … English syllables
pantryman — n. (pl. men) a butler or a butler s assistant … Useful english dictionary
Equivalent Royal Navy ranks in the Merchant Navy — Merchant Navy of the United Kingdom … Wikipedia