- pantomime drama
- [͵pæntəmaımʹdrɑ:mə]
пантомимическая драма
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Drama — Drama. Drama bedeutet (nach dem Griechischen) eine Handlung. Gewöhnlich bezeichnet man mit diesem Worte das Schauspiel, welches zwischen dem Trauerspiele und Lustspiele in der Mitte steht; als Kunstausdruck hingegen umfaßt Drama das ganze Gebiet… … Damen Conversations Lexikon
pantomime — [pan′tə mīm΄] n. [L pantomimus < Gr pantomimos < pantos (see PANTO ) + mimos, a mimic, actor] 1. in ancient Rome a) an actor who played his part by gestures and action without words b) a drama played in action and gestures to the… … English World dictionary
Pantomime — (v. gr.), 1) Acteur, welcher blos durch Geberden u. künstliche Bewegung des Körpers (Mimen) auf dem Theater allein eine Rolle od. mit Andern ein ganzes Drama darstellt; diese Kunst heißt Pantomimik; vgl. Mimik; daher 2) Schauspiel, in dem ein in… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
pantomime — (n.) 1610s, mime actor, from L. pantomimus mime, dancer, from Gk. pantomimos actor, lit. imitator of all, from panto (gen. of pan) all + mimos imitator (see MIME (Cf. mime) (n.)). Meaning drama or play without words first recorded 1735. The Engli … Etymology dictionary
Pantomime — For other uses, see Pantomime (disambiguation). The Christmas Pantomime colour lithograph bookcover, 1890, showing the harlequinade characters Pantomime (informally, panto) not to be confused with a mime artist, a theatrical performer of mime is… … Wikipedia
Drama — For other uses, see Drama (disambiguation). Dramas redirects here. For the indie rock band, see The Dramas. See also: Theatre Literature Major forms … Wikipedia
drama — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Theater Nouns 1. drama; the drama, the stage, the theater, legitimate theater, street theater; show business, theatricals, theatrics, performance art; theater of the absurd, the mind, cruelty,… … English dictionary for students
Pantomime — Gebärdenspiel; Gestenspiel * * * 1Pan|to|mi|me [panto mi:mə], die; , n: Darstellung einer Szene, Handlung nur mit Gebärden, Mienenspiel u. Tanz: eine Pantomime einstudieren. 2Pan|to|mi|me [panto mi:mə], der; n, n, Pan|to|mi|min [panto mi:mɪn],… … Universal-Lexikon
Drama film — A drama film is a film genre that depends mostly on in depth development of realistic characters dealing with emotional themes. Dramatic themes such as alcoholism, drug addiction, infidelity, moral dilemmas, racial prejudice, religious… … Wikipedia
drama — Synonyms and related words: Broadway, Grand Guignol, Passion play, Tom show, acting, alphabet, antimasque, art, audience success, ballet, blueprint, boards, bomb, broadcast drama, burlesque, burlesque show, carnival, charactering,… … Moby Thesaurus
pantomime — Synonyms and related words: Grand Guignol, Passion play, Roscius, Tom show, act, act a part, act as, act as foil, act out, acting, actor, actress, antagonist, antimasque, ape, aping, appear, audience success, bad guy, ballet, barnstorm,… … Moby Thesaurus