
1. [ʹpænəplı] n книжн.
1. 1) доспехи
2) защита

they were armed with the panoply of popular rights - они опирались на права народа

2. прикрытие, одеяние

an Indian in panoply of paint and feathers - индеец в боевой раскраске и наряде из перьев

twigs covered with a panoply of ice - веточки, одетые в ледяной панцирь

the beautiful panoply of autumn - прекрасное одеяние осени

3. пышность

pomp and panoply - пышность и блеск

stars in their golden panoply - звёзды в своём золотом великолепии

4. декоративное трофейное оружие
2. [ʹpænəplı] v книжн.
1. 1) снабжать доспехами
2) вооружать

tomorrow sees me panoplied - я встречу завтрашний день во всеоружии

2. украшать

the train was panoplied with flags - поезд был украшен флагами

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "panoply" в других словарях:

  • Panoply — Pan o*ply (p[a^]n [ o]*pl[y^]), n. [Gr. panopli a; pa^s, pa^n, all + o plon tool, implement, in pl., armor, arms.] 1. Defensive armor in general; a full suit of defensive armor. Milton. [1913 Webster] We had need to take the Christian panoply, to …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • panoply — I noun armature, armor, armored protection, barrier, brigandine, buffer, covering, cuirass, defense, defensive arms, defensive clothing, defensive equipment, deterrent, envelopment, fender, fortification, full array, guard, means of protection,… …   Law dictionary

  • panoply — (n.) 1570s, from Gk. panoplia complete suit of armor, from pan all (see PAN (Cf. pan )) + hopla (pl.) arms of a hoplites ( heavily armed soldier ). Originally in English figurative, of spiritual armor, etc. (a reference to Eph. vi); non armorial… …   Etymology dictionary

  • panoply — ► NOUN ▪ a complete or impressive collection or display. DERIVATIVES panoplied adjective. ORIGIN originally in the sense complete protection , later complete set of arms or suit of armour : from Greek pan all + hopla arms …   English terms dictionary

  • panoply — [pan′ə plē] n. pl. panoplies [Gr panoplia < pan, all (see PAN ) + hopla, arms, pl. of hoplon, tool (see HOPLITE)] 1. a complete suit of armor 2. any protective covering 3. any complete or magnificent covering or array panoplied adj …   English World dictionary

  • Panoply — A panoply is a complete suit of armour. The word represents the ancient Greek πανοπλια. The word παν means all , and όπλον, arms . Thus panoply refers to the full armour of a hoplite or heavy armed soldier, i.e. the shield, breastplate, helmet… …   Wikipedia

  • panoply — pan|o|ply [ˈpænəpli] n [singular] formal [Date: 1500 1600; : Greek; Origin: panoplia full suit of armor , from pan ( PAN ) + hopla weapons, armor ] 1.) an impressive show of special clothes, decorations etc, especially at an important ceremony… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • panoply — [[t]pæ̱nəpli[/t]] N SING: usu N of n A panoply of things is a wide range of them, especially one that is considered impressive. [FORMAL] On a modern battlefield an infantryman can expect to be the target of the whole panoply of weaponry. ...the… …   English dictionary

  • panoply — noun (plural plies) Etymology: Greek panoplia, from pan + hopla arms, armor, plural of hoplon tool, weapon more at hoplite Date: 1632 1. a. a full suit of armor b. ceremonial attire 2. something forming a protective covering 3 …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • panoply — panoplied, adj. /pan euh plee/, n., pl. panoplies. 1. a wide ranging and impressive array or display: the dazzling panoply of the maharaja s procession; the panoply of European history. 2. a complete suit of armor. 3. a protective covering. 4.… …   Universalium

  • panoply — noun 1) the full panoply of U.S. military might Syn: array, range, collection 2) all the panoply of religious liturgy Syn: trappings, regalia; splendor, spectacle, ceremony, ritual …   Thesaurus of popular words

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