- paleaceous
- [͵peılıʹeıʃəs] a
мякинный, похожий на мякину или солому
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Paleaceous — Pa le*a ceous, a. [L. palea chaff.] (Bot.) Chaffy; resembling or consisting of pale[ae], or chaff; furnished with chaff; as, a paleaceous receptacle. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
paleaceous — pa·le·a·ceous … English syllables
paleaceous — a. chafflike … Dictionary of difficult words
paleaceous — |pālē|āshəs adjective Etymology: New Latin palea + English aceous : covered with or resembling chaffy scales … Useful english dictionary
palea — paleaceous / ay sheuhs/, paleate / it, ayt /, adj. /pay lee euh/, n., pl. paleae / lee ee /. 1. a chafflike scale or bract. 2. the scalelike, membranous organ in the flowers of grasses that is situated upon a secondary axis in the axil of the… … Universalium
Paleous — Pa le*ous, a. [L. palea chaff.] Chaffy; like chaff; paleaceous. [R.] Sir T. Browne. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
palea — /ˈpeɪliə/ (say payleeuh) noun (plural paleae /ˈpeɪlii/ (say payleeee)) 1. a chaff like scale or bract. 2. the scale like, membranous organ in the flowers of grasses which is situated upon a secondary axis in the axil of the flowering glume and… …
chaff|y — «CHAF ee, CHAHF », adjective. 1. full of chaff. 2. consisting of chaff. 3. Figurative. like chaff; worthless. 4. Botany. paleaceous … Useful english dictionary