
[pəʹlætınıt] n ист.
палатинат; пфальцграфство

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "palatinate" в других словарях:

  • Palatinate — Pa*lat i*nate, prop. n. Either of two regions in Germany, formerly divisions of the Holy Roman Empire; the Lower Palatinate or Rhine Palatinate is now within the Rhineland Palatinate; the Upper Palatinate is now within Bavaria. It is usually… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • PALATINATE — (Ger. Pfalz), region in W. Germany, also known as Western or Rhenish Palatinate. In the Middle Ages it was the domain of the counts and electors of the Palatinate, who were closely connected with the ruling house of the duchy of Bavaria. The… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Palatinate — Palatinate1 [pə lat′ n āt΄, pə lat′ nit] n. [ML palatinatus] 1. [p ] the territory ruled by a palatine 2. a person born or living in the Palatinate Palatinate2 [pə lat′ n āt΄, pə lat′ nit] historical region now part of Germany: in two parts:… …   English World dictionary

  • Palatinate — Pa*lat i*nate, v. t. To make a palatinate of. [Obs.] Fuller. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • palatinate — ► NOUN historical 1) a territory under the jurisdiction of a Count Palatine. 2) (the Palatinate) the territory of the German Empire ruled by the Count Palatine of the Rhine …   English terms dictionary

  • palatinate — pa*lat i*nate, n. [F. palatinat. See {Palatine}.] The province or seigniory of a palatine; the dignity of a palatine. Howell. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • palatinate — (n.) 1650s, from PALATINE (Cf. palatine) + ATE (Cf. ate) (1). In England and Ireland, a county palatine; also used of certain American colonies (Carolina, Maryland, Maine) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Palatinate — palatinal, adj. /peuh lat n ayt , it/, n. 1. the. either of two historic regions of Germany that constituted an electorate of the Holy Roman Empire: one (Lower Palatinate or Rhine Palatinate) is now part of Rhineland Palatinate and the other… …   Universalium

  • Palatinate — A palatinate is a territory administered by a count palatine, originally the direct representative of a sovereign, but later the hereditary ruler of the territory subject to the crown s overlordship. In Poland the Palatines remained non… …   Wikipedia

  • Palatinate — /pəˈlætənət/ (say puh latuhnuht) noun 1. the, either of two districts in south western Germany, the Lower Palatinate or Rhine Palatinate, a district within the states of Rhineland Palatinate, Baden Württemberg and Hesse, and the Upper Palatinate …  

  • Palatinate — Pa•lat•i•nate [[t]pəˈlæt nˌeɪt, ɪt[/t]] n. 1) geg the. German, Pfalz either of two historic regions of Germany that constituted an electorate of the Holy Roman Empire: one(Lower Palatinate or Rhine Palatinate) is now part of Rhineland Palatinate …   From formal English to slang

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