- paktong
- [ʹpæktɒŋ] n
пактонг (сплав)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Paktong — (Packfong), s.v.w. Neusilber (s.d.) … Lexikon der gesamten Technik
paktong — noun An alloy of zinc, copper and nickel, closely resembling silver, of Chinese origin; any of a number of similar alloys developed in imitation of the Chinese product. Chinese export metalwork consists almost entirely of three categories:… … Wiktionary
Paktong — Pạk|feng, Pạk|fong, Pạk|tong: svw. ↑ Packfong … Universal-Lexikon
paktong — pak·tong s.m.inv. var. → packfong … Dizionario italiano
paktong — pak·tong … English syllables
paktong — … Useful english dictionary
Cupronickel — or copper nickel or cupernickel is an alloy of copper that contains nickel and strengthening elements, such as iron and manganese. Cupronickel is highly resistant to corrosion in seawater, because its electrode potential is adjusted to be neutral … Wikipedia
Nickel silver — German silver hair comb by Bruce Caesar (Pawnee), Oklahoma, 1984 Nickel silver, also known as German silver,[1] Argentann,[1] new silver … Wikipedia
Incense clock — The incense clock (香鐘, 香钟, xiāng zhōng in Chinese) is a special timekeeping device invented in China during the Song Dynasty (960 1279) that spread to neighboring countries such as Japan. The clocks bodies are effectively specialized censers that … Wikipedia
Packfong — Pack|fọng 〈n.; s; unz.〉 aus Nickel u. Zink bestehende Legierung mit silberartigem Glanz für Schmuck u. Besteckwaren; →a. Neusilber [chin.] * * * Pạck|fong [vermutlich aus chin. pai thung = weißes Kupfer], das; s; S: Pakfeng, Pakfong, Paktong:… … Universal-Lexikon
packfong — variant of paktong * * * packfong erroneous form for paktong, Chinese nickel silver … Useful english dictionary