- oxytocic
- 1. [͵ɒksıʹtəʋsık] n мед.
средство, стимулирующее родовую деятельность2. [͵ɒksıʹtəʋsık] a мед.стимулирующий родовую деятельность
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Oxytocic — Ox y*toc ic, a. [Gr. oxy s sharp, quick + ???? birth.] (Med.) Promoting uterine contractions, or parturition. n. An oxytocic medicine or agent. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
oxytocic — [äk΄si tō′sik, äk΄sitäs′ik] adj. [< Gr oxytokion, medicine for speeding childbirth < oxys, sharp, quick (see OXY 2) + tokos, birth < tiktein, to bear (for IE base see THANE) + IC] hastening the process of childbirth, as oxytocin does n.… … English World dictionary
oxytocic — adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary, from Greek oxys sharp, quick + tokos childbirth, from tiktein to bear more at thane Date: 1873 hastening parturition; also inducing contraction of uterine smooth muscle • oxytocic noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
oxytocic — /ok si toh sik, tos ik/, Med. adj. 1. of or causing the stimulation of the involuntary muscle of the uterus. 2. promoting or accelerating childbirth. n. 3. an oxytocic substance or drug. [1850 55; OXYTOC(IA) + IC] * * * … Universalium
oxytocic — 1. adjective Serving to promote uterine contractions. 2. noun An oxytocic drug … Wiktionary
oxytocic — 1. Hastening childbirth. 2. SYN: parturifacient (2). * * * oxy·to·cic .äk si tō sik adj hastening parturition also inducing contraction of uterine smooth muscle oxytocic n a substance that stimulates contraction of uterine smooth muscle or… … Medical dictionary
oxytocic — ox•y•to•cic [[t]ˌɒk sɪˈtoʊ sɪk, ˈtɒs ɪk[/t]] adj. 1) med of or causing the stimulation of the involuntary muscle of the uterus 2) med promoting or accelerating childbirth 3) an oxytocic substance or drug • Etymology: 1850–55; oxytoc(ia) rapid… … From formal English to slang
oxytocic — /ɒksiˈtoʊsɪk/ (say oksee tohsik) adjective 1. of or causing the stimulation of the involuntary muscle of the uterus. 2. promoting or accelerating parturition. –noun 3. an oxytocic medicine or drug. {Greek oxytokion a medicine hastening childbirth …
oxytocic — noun a drug that induces labor by stimulating contractions of the muscles of the uterus • Syn: ↑oxytocic drug • Hypernyms: ↑medicine, ↑medication, ↑medicament, ↑medicinal drug … Useful english dictionary
oxytocic drug — noun a drug that induces labor by stimulating contractions of the muscles of the uterus • Syn: ↑oxytocic • Hypernyms: ↑medicine, ↑medication, ↑medicament, ↑medicinal drug … Useful english dictionary
oxytocic — adj. of fast childbirth; of drug stimulated or induced labor … English contemporary dictionary