authorised — (Brit.) adj. empowered, given authority; permitted, sanctioned; justified, warranted; certified, accredited (also authorized) authorise (Brit.) v. permit; approve; empower (also authorize) … English contemporary dictionary
authorised — adj. 1) (usu. does not stand alone) authorised to + inf. (we are not authorised to enter the restricted area) … Combinatory dictionary
authorised share capital — Under the Companies Act 1985 shares may be issued by the company to shareholders in return for cash or other value equal to or greater than its nominal value. Shares in the authorised share capital are available to be issued. The issued share… … Law dictionary
authorised person — A person who is authorised for the purposes of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA) to carry out regulated activity. This term refers to: • A person who has a Part IV permission under FSMA to carry on one or more regulated… … Law dictionary
authorised unit trust — A unit trust authorised by the Financial Services Authority under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. A UK unit trust must be authorised before it can be offered to the general public. Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and… … Law dictionary
authorised guarantee agreement — A form of guarantee which may be given (as a condition of the landlord s consent) by an outgoing tenant of its assignee s obligations under the lease. The guarantee will only endure for so long as the assignee remains the tenant. Practical Law… … Law dictionary
authorised payment — In the context of pensions, a payment by a registered pension scheme that is permitted by the Finance Act 2004. Payments that are not permitted are unauthorised payments. Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms … Law dictionary
authorised insolvency practitioner — a person legally permitted to carry through certain duties in relation to an insolvency. The Insolvency Act 1986 introduced a system of licensing to ensure the professional competence and skill of insolvency practitioners in individual and… … Law dictionary
authorised lay representative — in Scots law a person, other than a solicitor or advocate, who is permitted to represent a litigant in all aspects of a small claim and some parts of summary cause procedure. Collins dictionary of law. W. J. Stewart. 2001 … Law dictionary
Authorised capital — The authorised capital of a company (sometimes referred to as the authorised share capital or the nominal capital, particularly in the United States) is the maximum amount of share capital that the company is authorised by its constitutional… … Wikipedia
Authorised Firearms Officer — An Authorised Firearms Officer (AFO) is a British police officer who has received training and authorisation to carry and use firearms. The designation is significant because within the United Kingdom police officers do not routinely carry… … Wikipedia