auteur theory

auteur theory
теория авторского кинематографа (согласно которой автором фильма должен быть режиссёр)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "auteur theory" в других словарях:

  • Auteur theory — In film criticism, the 1950s era Auteur theory holds that a director s films reflect that director s personal creative vision, as if he or she were the primary Auteur (the French word for author ). In some cases, film producers are considered to… …   Wikipedia

  • auteur theory — (in film criticism) a theory that the director is the chief creator of a film and gives it an individual style that is evident in all aspects of the finished product. [1960 65] * * * Theory that holds that a film s director is its author (French …   Universalium

  • auteur theory — auteur′ the ory n. sbz the theory that the director is the chief creator of a film and thereby gives it a distinctive individual style • Etymology: 1960–65 …   From formal English to slang

  • auteur theory — noun : a view of film making in which the director is considered the primary creative force in a motion picture * * * (in film criticism) a theory that the director is the chief creator of a film and gives it an individual style that is evident… …   Useful english dictionary

  • auteur theory — noun Date: 1962 a view of filmmaking in which the director is considered the primary creative force in a motion picture …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Auteur-Theorie — Die Auteur Theorie (von frz. „Auteur“ = Autor) ist eine Filmtheorie und die theoretische Grundlage für den Autorenfilm – insbesondere den französischen – in den 1950er Jahren, der sich vom „Produzenten Kino“ abgrenzte. Auch heute noch… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • auteur — (or auteur theory)   literally the French word for author ; in film criticism, used in the terms auteurism or auteur theory, denoting a critical theory (originally known as la politique des auteurs or the policy of authors ) popular in France in… …   Glossary of cinematic terms

  • theory — /thee euh ree, thear ee/, n., pl. theories. 1. a coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena: Einstein s theory of relativity. 2. a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural, in… …   Universalium

  • auteur — noun Etymology: French, originator, author, from Old French autor, from Latin auctor more at author Date: 1967 1. a film director whose practice accords with the auteur theory; broadly director c 2. an artist (as a musician or writer) whose sty …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • auteur — au•teur [[t]oʊˈtɜr[/t]] n. sbz a filmmaker whose films accord with the auteur theory • Etymology: 1960–65; < F: lit., author, originator < L auctor. See author au•teur′ism, n. au•teur′ist, adj. n …   From formal English to slang

  • film theory — Theory developed to explain the nature of films and how they produce emotional and mental effects on the audience. It recognizes the cinema as a distinct art form. See also auteur theory, documentary film, Sergei Eisenstein, film noir, New Wave.… …   Universalium

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