- oversteer
- 1. [ʹəʋvəstıə] n
занос на повороте (автомобиля)2. [͵əʋvəʹstıə] vзаносить на повороте
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Oversteer — is a phenomenon that can occur in an automobile which is attempting to turn. The car is said to oversteer when the rear wheels do not track behind the front wheels but instead slide out toward the outside of the turn. Oversteer can throw the car… … Wikipedia
oversteer — [ō′vər stir΄] n. the tendency of a motor vehicle, esp. a race car, to have its rear tires slide outward on a turn … English World dictionary
oversteer — The tendency for a vehicle, when negotiating a corner, to turn more sharply than the driver intends. The rear end of the vehicle wants to swing toward the outside of a turn. It is generally a sign that the suspension roll resistance is too hard… … Dictionary of automotive terms
oversteer — noun Date: 1936 the tendency of an automobile to steer into a sharper turn than the driver intends sometimes with a thrusting of the rear to the outside; also the action or an instance of oversteer … New Collegiate Dictionary
oversteer — n. /oh veuhr stear /; v. /oh veuhr stear /, n. 1. handling of an automotive vehicle that causes turns that are sharper than the driver intends because the rear wheels slide to the outside of the turn before the front wheels lose traction. v.i. 2 … Universalium
oversteer — a vehicle is oversteer at a given trim if the ratio of the steering wheel angle gradient to the overall steering ratio is less than the Ackerman steer angle gradient … Mechanics glossary
oversteer — verb (of a motor vehicle) turn more sharply than is desirable. noun the tendency of a motor vehicle to oversteer … English new terms dictionary
oversteer — o•ver•steer n. [[t]ˈoʊ vərˌstɪər[/t]] v. [[t]ˌoʊ vərˈstɪər[/t]] n. 1) aum a tendency of an automobile to turn more sharply than the driver intends 2) aum to exhibit oversteer • Etymology: 1935–40 … From formal English to slang
oversteer — 1. noun The condition in which the rear wheels of a car dont follow the desired curve while cornering. The rear wheels loosing a degree of traction and so skidding off the required line into a spin. 2. verb to lose the control of ones vehicle in… … Wiktionary
oversteer — verb (i) /oʊvəˈstɪə/ (say ohvuh stear) 1. (of a motor vehicle) to tend to turn in a narrower circle than that indicated by the geometry of the wheels. –noun /ˈoʊvəstɪə/ (say ohvuhstear) 2. such a tendency. {over + steer1} …
oversteer — v. & n. v.intr. (of a motor vehicle) have a tendency to turn more sharply than was intended. n. this tendency … Useful english dictionary