- overspray
- 1. [ʹəʋvəspreı] n
1. жидкость для пульверизации; аэрозоль2. распрыскивание; распыление, пульверизация2. [͵əʋvəʹspreı] vраспрыскивать; распылять, пульверизировать
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Overspray — refers to the application of any form of paint, varnish, stain or other non water soluble airborne particulate material onto an unintended location. This concept is most commonly encountered in graffiti, auto detailing, and when commercial paint… … Wikipedia
Overspray — Als Overspray bezeichnet man bei Spritz und Sprühapplikationen den Anteil des verspritzten Materials (z. B. Lack), welches nicht auf das Werkstück gelangt, sondern in Form von Sprühnebel in die Umgebung entweicht. Overspray wird durch… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Overspray Magazine — Overspray is an international street art magazine. The magazine was founded by a group of artists in 2004 whose mission is to document and further art on the street as well as the people and culture surrounding it. Overspray is a quarterly… … Wikipedia
overspray — v.t. * * * … Universalium
overspray — noun In spray painting, the spray that goes outside the area being painted (necessary to assure coverage at the edge) … Wiktionary
overspray — The fine mist of paint on areas where it is not wanted (glass, moldings, other painted surfaces, etc). The distinguishing mark of a vehicle that has been painted or had body work done. Compare spray mist … Dictionary of automotive terms
overspray — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun : spray material that does not adhere in spray painting … Useful english dictionary
overspray surface texture — noun In SPF roofing, a condition of the foam in which the surface shows a linear course textured pattern and/or a pebbled surface. This surface is generally downwind of the sprayed polyurethane path and, if severe, unacceptable for proper coating … Wiktionary
Lackabscheidung — Die beträchtlichen Lösemittel und Lacknebelmengen, die beim Lackieren entstehen, müssen unter Kontrolle gehalten und entsorgt werden. Dies geschieht durch verschiedene Technologien der Lackabscheidung. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Overspray 2 Klassische… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Powder coating — is a type of dry coating, which is applied as a free flowing, dry powder. The main difference between a conventional liquid paint and a powder coating is that the powder coating does not require a solvent to keep the binder and filler parts in a… … Wikipedia
Spray forming — Spray forming, also known as spray casting, spray deposition[1] and in situ compaction,[2] is a method of casting near net shape metal components with homogeneous microstructures via the deposition of semi solid sprayed droplets onto a shaped… … Wikipedia