
[ʹəʋvə͵spıl] n
1. 1) переливание через край
2) жидкость, перелившаяся через край
2. 1) избыток
2) излишек населения, публики

an overspill meeting - участники митинга, которым не хватало места (в зале)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "overspill" в других словарях:

  • Overspill — bezeichnet in der Rundfunktechnik eine Versorgung eines Bereiches mit Signalen, der eigentlich nicht innerhalb des eigenen Versorgungsgebietes liegt. Overspill entsteht dadurch, dass sich Radiosignale gleichmäßig von der Sendestation ausbreiten,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • overspill — ► NOUN Brit. ▪ a surplus population moving from an overcrowded area to live elsewhere …   English terms dictionary

  • Overspill — This article is about mathematics. For housing estates, see overspill estate. In non standard analysis, a branch of mathematics, overspill (referred to as overflow by Goldblatt (1998, p. 129)) is a widely used proof technique. It is based on …   Wikipedia

  • overspill — [[t]o͟ʊvə(r)spɪl[/t]] 1) N UNCOUNT: also a N, oft N n Overspill is used to refer to people who live near a city because there is no room in the city itself. [BRIT] ...new towns built to absorb overspill from nearby cities. ...overspill council… …   English dictionary

  • overspill — 1. noun That which spills over. New towns were to accommodate overspill from established cities. 2. verb To spill over, to overflow, to spill out of. Further, Coventrys …   Wiktionary

  • overspill — o|ver|spill [ˈəuvəˌspıl US ˈouvər ] n [singular,U] BrE people who move out of a big city because there are too many people living there, and go to live in new houses outside the city ▪ an overspill of workers from London …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • overspill — noun (U) BrE people who move out of a big city because there are too many people living there, and go to live in new houses outside the city: a new town built to accommodate London s overspill …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • overspill — UK [ˈəʊvə(r)ˌspɪl] / US [ˈoʊvərˌspɪl] noun [uncountable] a) the people who begin to live and work in places just outside a crowded city, making it bigger b) used generally about people or things that cannot fit into a crowded place an overspill… …   English dictionary

  • overspill — verb (i) /oʊvəˈspɪl/ (say ohvuh spil) (overspilt or overspilled, overspilling) 1. to spill over. –noun /ˈoʊvəspɪl/ (say ohvuhspil) 2. that which spills out. 3. excess or surplus population: new towns are planned to take Sydney s overspill. {over… …  

  • Overspill parking — Cars parked on the sidewalk in Moscow Overspill parking is the parking of vehicles beyond the main area provided for the purpose. It can occur because provided parking spaces are insufficient for demand or considered unsatisfactory for some… …   Wikipedia

  • Overspill estate — The Darnhill estate near Heywood, Greater Manchester was originally built by Manchester Corporation between 1947 and the 1960s An overspill estate is a housing estate planned and built for the rehousing of people from decaying inner city areas[1 …   Wikipedia

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