- autarky
- [ʹɔ:tɑ:kı] n эк.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
autarky — n. economic independence as a national policy. Syn: autarchy. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
autarky — (n.) 1610s, self sufficiency, from Gk. autarkeia sufficiency in oneself, independence, from autarkes self sufficient, having enough, independent of others (also used of countries), from autos self (see AUTO (Cf. auto )) + arkein to ward off, keep … Etymology dictionary
autarky — autarchy, autonomy, independence, freedom, sovereignty (see under FREE adj) … New Dictionary of Synonyms
autarky — UK [ˈɔːtə(r)kɪ] / US [ˈɔtərkɪ] or autarchy UK / US noun 1) [uncountable] a form of government in which one person has complete power 2) [uncountable] the state of economic independence from other countries or areas 3) [countable] a country that… … English dictionary
autarky — (also autarchy) ► NOUN 1) economic independence or self sufficiency. 2) an economically independent state or society. DERIVATIVES autarkic adjective. ORIGIN from Greek autark s self sufficiency … English terms dictionary
autarky — [ô′tär΄kē] n. [Gr autarkeia, self sufficiency < autos, self + arkein, to achieve, suffice: see EXERCISE] 1. self sufficiency; independence 2. economic self sufficiency, esp. on a national basis; national policy of getting along without imports … English World dictionary
Autarky — Not to be confused with Autarchy. Part of a series on Economic systems Ideological systems … Wikipedia
autarky — The guiding principle of the Franco dictatorship s economic policy during the years 1939–59 was self sufficiency or autarky. Numerous factors influenced this strategy, although historians continue to argue over the relative significance of… … Encyclopedia of contemporary Spanish culture
Autarky — A nation or entity that is self sufficient. A political/economic term, Autarky comes from the Greek autarkeia autos, meaning self and arkein, meaning to be strong enough or sufficient . Autarky is achieved when an entity, such as a political… … Investment dictionary
autarky — noun Etymology: German Autarkie, from Greek autarkeia, from autarkēs self sufficient, from aut + arkein to defend, suffice more at ark Date: 1657 1. self sufficiency, independence; specifically national economic self sufficiency and independence … New Collegiate Dictionary
autarky — autarkic, autarkical, adj. autarkically, adv. autarkist, n. /aw tahr kee/, n., pl. autarkies. 1. the condition of self sufficiency, esp. economic, as applied to a nation. 2. a national policy of economic independence. Also, autarchy. [1610 20; … Universalium