
1. [ʹəʋvəʃu:t] n
1. неудача, «перебор»
2. спец. отклонение от установленного значения
3. ав. «перелёт» при посадке
4. переполнение (рынка); перепроизводство
5. чрезмерный рост, чрезмерное повышение

overshoot in the expansion of capacity - создание избыточных производственных мощностей

2. [͵əʋvəʹʃu:t] v (overshot)
1. промахнуться (при стрельбе); пролететь мимо цели (о пуле и т. п.)

the aircraft overshot the runway - самолёт приземлился за посадочной полосой

to overshoot a target - не попасть в цель

2. стрелять лучше (кого-л.)
3. превосходить, превышать
4. хищнически истреблять дичь (в каком-л. районе)

to overshoot the mark - а) взять выше или дальше цели; б) зайти слишком далеко, впасть в ошибку, «пересолить»

to overshoot oneself - а) = to overshoot the mark б); б) стать жертвой собственной глупости

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "overshoot" в других словарях:

  • Overshoot — O ver*shoot , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Overshot}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Overshooting}.] 1. To shoot over or beyond; to miss; as, to overshoot a mark; to overshoot the green in golf. Not to overshoot his game. South. [1913 Webster] 2. Hence: To go beyond… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Overshoot — may refer to: Overshoot (signal), when a signal exceeds its steady state value Overshoot (ecology), when a population exceeds the environment s carrying capacity Overshoot (aviation), an aborted landing Overshoot (microwave communication),… …   Wikipedia

  • overshoot — o‧ver‧shoot [ˌəʊvəˈʆuːt ǁ ˌoʊvər ] verb overshot PTandPP [ ˈʆɒt ǁ ˈʆɑːt] [transitive] to go past a figure or level that was set as a limit or target: • Money supply grew at a rapid rate in January, and overshot the German central bank s 5.5%… …   Financial and business terms

  • Overshoot — O ver*shoot , v. i. To fly beyond the mark. Collier. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • overshoot — index overreach Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • overshoot — (v.) mid 14c., to shoot, run, or pass beyond (a point or limit), OVER (Cf. over) + SHOOT (Cf. shoot) (v.). Related: Overshot; overshooting. In reference to water wheels, the adjective overshot driven by water shot over from above is attested from …   Etymology dictionary

  • overshoot — (izg. ȏveršūt) m DEFINICIJA tehn. prebačaj, porast signala preko stanovite vrijednosti ETIMOLOGIJA engl …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • overshoot — ► VERB (past and past part. overshot) 1) move or travel past unintentionally. 2) exceed (a financial target or limit) …   English terms dictionary

  • overshoot — [ō΄vər sho͞ot′, ō′vər sho͞ot΄] vt. overshot, overshooting 1. to shoot or pass over or beyond (a target, mark, etc.); specif., to fly an aircraft beyond (a runway, landing field, etc.) while trying to land 2. to go farther than (an intended or… …   English World dictionary

  • overshoot — overshoots, overshooting, overshot (The verb is pronounced [[t]o͟ʊvə(r)ʃu͟ːt[/t]]. The noun is pronounced [[t]o͟ʊvə(r)ʃuːt[/t]].) 1) VERB If you overshoot a place that you want to get to, you go past it by mistake. [V n] The plane apparently… …   English dictionary

  • Overshoot — Überschwingen eines Signals y um Δh Überschwingen (auch overshoot genannt) bedeutet in der Elektrotechnik, Signalverarbeitung und Regelungstechnik, dass nach einer sprunghaften Änderung einer Eingangsgröße eine Ausgangsgröße den erwünschten Wert… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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