
1. [ʹaʋtwəd] n
1. 1) внешний вид; внешность
2) экстерьер
2. внешний, материальный, объективный мир
2. [ʹaʋtwəd] a
1. внешний, наружный

outward form /appearance/ - внешность

outward sign - внешний признак

outward things - окружающий мир

outward conditions - внешние условия

outward influences - воздействие /влияние/ среды

for outward application - для наружного применения (о лекарстве)

2. направленный наружу

outward flow of money - утечка денег за границу

an outward motion - побуждение

an outward glance - взгляд изнутри

the outward and the homeward voyages - поездки за границу и возвращения домой

outward half of ticket - билет (только) в одну сторону (без обратного проезда)

3. видимый, зримый; показной, напоказ

a feverish outward display of energy - лихорадочная деятельность напоказ

outward behaviour - показное поведение

4. посторонний, несвойственный
5. диал. рассеянный, беспорядочный (о человеке)

the outward man - а) тело, бренная плоть (тж. амер. шутл. one's outward Adam); б) шутл. одежда

to outward seeming - судя по внешности; по виду, по всей видимости

3. [ʹaʋtwəd] adv
1. 1) наружу; в сторону; за пределы

he turned the coat with the lining outward - он вывернул пальто наизнанку

2) снаружи
2. из порта, от станции и т. п.

the ship is bound outward - корабль отплывает

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Смотреть что такое "outward" в других словарях:

  • Outward — Out ward, a. 1. Forming the superficial part; external; exterior; opposed to {inward}; as, an outward garment or layer. [1913 Webster] Though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. Cor. iv. 16. [1913 Webster] 2. Of or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • outward — out‧ward [ˈaʊtwəd ǁ wərd] adjective [only before a noun] leaving a place, rather than arriving in it: • The outward flow of investment by British multinationals is high in the manufacturing industry. • We use the following methods of despatching… …   Financial and business terms

  • Outward — Out ward, Outwards Out wards, adv. [AS. [=u]teweard. See {Out}, and { ward}, { wards}.] From the interior part; in a direction from the interior toward the exterior; out; to the outside; beyond; off; away; as, a ship bound outward. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • outward — outward, outwards The only form for the adjective is outward (the outward journey), but outward and outwards are both used for the adverb, with a preference for outwards in BrE: • The small circles of desert around waterholes and settlements join …   Modern English usage

  • outward — [out′wərd] adj. [ME utward < OE utweard: see OUT & WARD] 1. having to do with the outside or exterior; outer 2. clearly apparent; observable; visible 3. away from the interior; to or toward the outside 4. having to do with the physical or the… …   English World dictionary

  • Outward — Out ward, n. External form; exterior. [R.] [1913 Webster] So fair an outward and such stuff within. Shak. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • outward — O.E. utweard toward the outside (of an enclosure, surface, etc.), earlier utanweard, from ute, utan outside (from ut; see OUT (Cf. out)) + weard ward. Of persons, in ref. to the external appearance (usually opposed to inner feelings), it is… …   Etymology dictionary

  • outward — index ostensible, specious, superficial Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • outward — *outer, outside, external, exterior Analogous words: extraneous, *extrinsic, alien, foreign Antonyms: inward Contrasted words: *inner, inside, internal, interior, intestine …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • outward — [adj] visible; for appearances apparent, evident, exterior, external, from within, noticeable, observable, obvious, on the surface, open, ostensible, out, outer, outside, over, perceptible, superficial, surface, to the eye, toward the edge;… …   New thesaurus

  • outward — ► ADJECTIVE 1) of, on, or from the outside. 2) going out or away from a place. ► ADVERB ▪ outwards. DERIVATIVES outwardly adverb …   English terms dictionary

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