
1. [ʹaʋtraıt] a
1. прямой, открытый

hearty, outright manner - открытая сердечная манера обращения

an outright refusal - прямой /незавуалированный/ отказ

outright supporter [opponent] - открытый сторонник [противник]

2. совершенный, полный; недвусмысленный

outright rogue - отъявленный мошенник

the outright gift - настоящий подарок

an outright loss - полная потеря

to give an outright denial - категорически отрицать что-л.

on the voting for secretary, he was the outright winner - при выборах секретаря он получил подавляющее большинство голосов

it's outright wickedness! - это настоящее преступление!

3. редк. направленный, целеустремлённый
2. [aʋtʹraıt] adv
1. открыто, прямо

to laugh outright - открыто смеяться

to tell a person outright what one thinks of him - сказать человеку прямо /в глаза/, что о нём думаешь

2. сразу

he was killed outright - он был сразу убит

we paid for our car outright - мы тут же заплатили за приобретённый автомобиль (не в рассрочку)

she fainted outright - она тут же лишилась чувств

3. полностью; совершенно; до конца

to speak [to give] one's opinion outright - высказать своё мнение раз и навсегда

to refuse outright - полностью отказаться (от чего-л.)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "outright" в других словарях:

  • Outright — Type Private Industry Online Accounting, Bookkeeping Taxes, Schedule C Founded 2008 …   Wikipedia

  • outright — adj Outright, out and out, unmitigated, arrantare comparable when they are used hyperbolically as meaning not limited or qualified. They are often used interchangeably as intensives, but there are clear differences in meaning. What is outright… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • outright — out right , adv. 1. Immediately; without delay; at once; as, he was killed outright. [1913 Webster] 2. Completely; utterly. Cardinal Manning. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • outright — out right adj. Downright; plain; unqualified; utter; straight out; as, an outright lie. Syn: flat out, out and out. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • outright — I adjective absolute, all out, altogether, complete, comprehensive, consummate, downright, entire, exhaustive, flagrant, full, full fledged, obvious, out and out, sheer, straightforward, straight out, sweeping, thorough, through and through,… …   Law dictionary

  • outright — AUTRAIT/ s. n. (fin.) operaţie în stabilirea condiţiilor cumpărării sau vânzării în valută, inclusiv a cursului valutei, urmând ca efectuarea propriu zisă a tranzacţiei să se facă ulterior. (< engl. outright) Trimis de raduborza, 28.09.2007.… …   Dicționar Român

  • outright — (adv.) c.1300, of direction, straight ahead, from OUT (Cf. out) + RIGHT (Cf. right) (adj. (1)). Meaning all at once is attested from c.1600 …   Etymology dictionary

  • outright — [adj] complete, unconditional absolute, all, arrant, consummate, definite, direct, downright, entire, flat, gross, out and out*, perfect, positive, pure, straightforward, thorough, thoroughgoing, total, undeniable, unequivocal, unmitigated,… …   New thesaurus

  • outright — ► ADVERB 1) altogether. 2) openly. 3) immediately. ► ADJECTIVE 1) open and direct. 2) complete …   English terms dictionary

  • outright — [out′rīt΄, out΄rīt′] adj. 1. without reservation; downright 2. straightforward 3. complete; total; whole adv. 1. entirely; wholly 2. without reservation; openly 3. at once 4 …   English World dictionary

  • outright — (The adjective is pronounced [[t]a͟ʊtraɪt[/t]]. The adverb is pronounced [[t]a͟ʊtra͟ɪt[/t]].) 1) ADJ: ADJ n You use outright to describe behaviour and actions that are open and direct, rather than indirect. Kawaguchi finally resorted to an… …   English dictionary

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