
1. [ʹaʋtri:tʃ] n
1. пропаганда, распространение взглядов, идей и т. п.
2. амер.
1) расширение (услуг и т. п.); растущий охват (потребителей и т. п.)
2) программа помощи неимущим или нуждающимся
2. [aʋtʹri:tʃ] v
1. превышать, переходить предел, границы; превосходить

he outreached his own ambitions by his spectacular success - достигнутый им невиданный успех превзошёл все его ожидания

2. простираться

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "outreach" в других словарях:

  • outreach — UK US /ˈaʊtriːtʃ/ noun [U] ► SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY the process of an organization building relationships with people in order to advise them, for example about health or financial problems: »We re now doing a lot of outreach in the local… …   Financial and business terms

  • outreach — n. 1. The act of reaching out; an effort to build connections from one person or group to another; as, the Police Department insituted a community outreach program. [PJC] 2. The extension of assistance or services to persons or groups not… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • outreach — [out′rēch΄; ] for v., also [ out΄rēch′] vt., vi. 1. to reach farther (than); exceed; surpass 2. to reach out; extend n. 1. the act of reaching out 2. the extent of reach 3. a) a program, as by a local chur …   English World dictionary

  • Outreach — Out*reach , v. t. To reach beyond. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • outreach — index circumvent Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • outreach — (n.) an organization s involvement in the community, 1870, from OUT (Cf. out) + REACH (Cf. reach). The verb (c.1400) tends to be used in literal senses …   Etymology dictionary

  • outreach — ► VERB ▪ reach further than. ► NOUN 1) the extent or length of reaching out. 2) an organization s involvement with the community …   English terms dictionary

  • Outreach — Wikipedia does not have an encyclopedia article for Outreach (search results). You may want to read Wiktionary s entry on outreach instead.wiktionary:Special:Search/outreach …   Wikipedia

  • outreach — verb (t) /aʊtˈritʃ/ (say owt reech) 1. to reach beyond; exceed. 2. to reach out; extend. –verb (i) /aʊtˈritʃ/ (say owt reech) 3. to reach out. –noun /ˈaʊtritʃ/ (say owtreech) 4. a reaching out especially in the provision of programs aimed at… …  

  • outreach — I. Date: circa 1568 transitive verb 1. a. to surpass in reach b. exceed < the demand outreaches the supply > 2. to get the better of by trickery intransitive verb 1. to go too far 2. to reach o …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • outreach — noun Outreach is used before these nouns: ↑effort, ↑initiative, ↑programme, ↑worker Outreach is used after these nouns: ↑community, ↑youth …   Collocations dictionary

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