
[aʋtʹgʌn] v
1. быть лучше вооружённым

to outgun the opposition artillery by 2 to 1 - превосходить противника в артиллерии в два раза

2. стрелять лучше, дальше, прицельнее
3. 1) выиграть, нанести поражение

Columbia outgunned Yale in the second half today - сборная Колумбийского университета выиграла сегодня у сборной Йельского университета вторую половину игры

2) разг. превзойти, перещеголять; переплюнуть

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу

Смотреть что такое "outgun" в других словарях:

  • outgun — UK US /ˌaʊtˈɡʌn/ verb [T, usually passive] ( nn ) ► to get an advantage over or be stronger than people or companies who are involved in the same industry or activity as you are: »In the last decade, the company has outgunned some of the nation s …   Financial and business terms

  • outgun — ► VERB (outgunned, outgunning) ▪ have more or better weaponry than …   English terms dictionary

  • outgun — [out΄gun′] vt. outgunned, outgunning to surpass in weaponry or firepower: often used figuratively …   English World dictionary

  • outgun — UK [ˌaʊtˈɡʌn] / US [aʊtˈɡʌn] verb [transitive] Word forms outgun : present tense I/you/we/they outgun he/she/it outguns present participle outgunning past tense outgunned past participle outgunned 1) [usually passive] to have more guns and other… …   English dictionary

  • outgun — [[t]a͟ʊtgʌ̱n[/t]] outguns, outgunning, outgunned 1) VERB: usu passive In a battle, if one army is outgunned, they are in a very weak position because the opposing army has more or better weapons. [be V ed] First Airborne Division was heavily… …   English dictionary

  • outgun — transitive verb Date: 1691 to surpass in firepower; broadly outdo …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • outgun — /owt gun /, v.t., outgunned, outgunning. 1. to exceed in firepower. 2. to outdo or overwhelm, as by superior forces: Local manufacturers have been outgunned by the overseas competition. [1685 95; OUT + GUN1] * * * …   Universalium

  • outgun — verb /ˌaʊtˈɡʌn/ to be more heavily armed than, to have more firepower than Two can play at destructive industrialism, and now we out gun you. We are piling up munitions now faster than you …   Wiktionary

  • outgun — out|gun [ aut gʌn ] verb transitive 1. ) usually passive to have more guns and other weapons than someone you are fighting 2. ) to defeat someone in a game or competition …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • outgun — v. be better armed than; shoot better than …   English contemporary dictionary

  • outgun — verb (outguns, outgunning, outgunned) have more or better weaponry than. ↘shoot better than …   English new terms dictionary

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