- outfighting
- [aʋtʹfaıtıŋ] n
1. аутфайтинг, дальний бой (бокс)2. воен. бой на дальних подступах
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
outfighting — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ noun Etymology: out (III) + fighting : fighting at long range was no match for the heavier ship in outfighting the first round was all outfighting … Useful english dictionary
outfighting — out fight || ‚aÊŠt faɪt v. fight better than; be stronger than, be mightier than … English contemporary dictionary
Mike Tyson — For the baseball player, see Mike Tyson (baseball). Mike Tyson Tyson at SXSW 2011 … Wikipedia
Rocky Jones, Space Ranger — was a syndicated science fiction television serial originally broadcast in 1954. The show lasted for only two seasons and, though syndicated sporadically, dropped into obscurity. But because it was recorded on film rather than being broadcast… … Wikipedia
German submarine U-4 (1935) — Unterseeboot 4 or U 4 was a submarine (or U boat) of the Kriegsmarine during the Second World War. She was one of the longest lasting German submarines of the period, primarily since half of her lifespan was spent on training duties in the Baltic … Wikipedia
Athens — /ath inz/, n. 1. Greek, Athenai. a city in and the capital of Greece, in the SE part. 885,136. 2. Greater, a metropolitan area comprising the city of Athens, Piraeus, and several residential suburbs. 2,530,000. 3. a city in N Georgia. 42,549. 4.… … Universalium
outfight — v.t., outfought, outfighting. * * * … Universalium
outfight — /aʊtˈfaɪt/ (say owt fuyt) verb (t) (outfought, outfighting) to surpass or defeat in a fight, or in skill or strength of fighting generally …
KARTELL-CONVENT DER VERBINDUNGEN DEUTSCHER STUDENTEN JUEDISCHEN GLAUBENS (KC) — KARTELL CONVENT DER VERBINDUNGEN DEUTSCHER STUDENTEN JUEDISCHEN GLAUBENS (KC), an umbrella organization of German Jewish student fraternities, founded in 1896. Fraternities of Jewish students were established (the first founded in Breslau, Oct.… … Encyclopedia of Judaism