- auramine
- [ʹɔ:rəmi(:)n] n хим.
аурамин (жёлтый краситель)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
auramine — ● auramine nom féminin Colorant basique de nuance jaune, de grande vivacité, dérivé du diphénylméthane, utilisé dans la teinture et l impression du coton mordancé au tanin … Encyclopédie Universelle
Auramine O — Canary Yellow redirects here. For the color, see Yellow. Auramine O, also called Basic yellow 2, Pyocatanium aureum, aizen auramine, Pyoktanin Yellow, Canary Yellow, Pyoktanin, or C.I. 41000, is a diarylmethane dye used as a fluorescent stain. In … Wikipedia
auramine O — noun A yellow diarylmethane dye used as a fluorescent stain. Syn: aizen auramine, basic yellow 2, canary yellow, pyocatanium aureum, pyoktanin, pyoktanin yellow … Wiktionary
auramine O — A yellow fluorescent dye, used as a stain for the tubercle bacillus and as a stain for DNA in Kasten fluorescent Feulgen stain. * * * au·ra·mine O (awґrə mēn) a yellow fluorescent dye used to stain acid fast bacteria and DNA and as … Medical dictionary
auramine G — auraminas G statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Dažiklis. formulė (CH₃NHC₆H₄)₂C=NH atitikmenys: angl. auramine G rus. аурамин Г ryšiai: sinonimas – bis(4 metilaminofenil)metileniminas … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
auramine O — auraminas O statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Dažiklis. formulė [(CH₃)₂NC₆H₄]₂C=NH atitikmenys: angl. auramine O rus. аурамин О ryšiai: sinonimas – bis(4 dimetilaminofenil)metileniminas … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Auramine phenol stain — is a stain used in clinical microbiology and histology to identify tuberculosis mycobacteria.Auramine phenol is a fluorescent stain used for the demonstration of acid fast bacilli. Mycolic acids of the Mycobacteria keep this stain when… … Wikipedia
Auramine-rhodamine stain — The auramine rhodamine stain (AR), also known as the Truant auramine rhodamine stain , is a histological technique used to visualizee acid fast bacilli using fluorescence microscopy, notably species in the Mycobacterium genus.cite journal |author … Wikipedia
auramine-rhodamine stain — Truant auramine rhodamine s … Medical dictionary
auramine — /awr euh meen , min/, n. Chem. a yellow, crystalline solid, C17H22ClN3, soluble in water, alcohol, and ether, used chiefly as a dye for paper and leather. [1880 85; < L aur(um) gold + AMINE] * * * … Universalium
auramine — noun Any of a family of fluorescent dyes used to stain tissues for fluorescence microscopy … Wiktionary