
1. [ʹaʋtkɑ:st] n (в Индии)
1. человек, не принадлежащий ни к какой касте
2. 1) человек, отвергнутый своей кастой
2) пария
2. [ʹaʋtkɑ:st] a (в Индии)
1. не принадлежащий к касте
2. 1) изгнанный из касты
2) отверженный
3. [ʹaʋtkɑ:st] v
1) изгонять из касты
2) отвергать, отлучать от общества и т. п.

his wife's family outcasted him - семья жены не желала его признавать

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "outcaste" в других словарях:

  • Outcaste — may refer to: by extension, anything or anyone with a social stigma, due to criminal behavior or non acceptance of societal norms. Casteless people in India Dalit (modern self designation of untouchable people in India) Casteless people in Japan… …   Wikipedia

  • outcaste — [out′kast΄] n. in India, a person expelled from his or her caste, or one who belongs to no caste …   English World dictionary

  • outcaste — UK [ˈaʊtˌkɑːst] / US [ˈaʊtˌkæst] noun [countable] Word forms outcaste : singular outcaste plural outcastes in India, a person who does not belong to a Hindu caste (= a particular social class), or who has been forced to leave one …   English dictionary

  • outcaste — /owt kast , kahst /, n. 1. (in India) a person who has left or been expelled from his or her caste. 2. a person of no caste. [1875 80; OUT + CASTE] * * * ▪ Hindu caste system       in the Hindu caste system, an individual or group that has been… …   Universalium

  • outcaste — noun Date: 1876 1. one who has been ejected from a Hindu caste for violation of its customs or rules 2. one who has no caste …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • outcaste — 1. noun In Indian society, someone who does not belong to a caste. Syn: Dalit 2. verb To expel from a caste …   Wiktionary

  • outcaste — out|caste [ aut,kæst ] noun count in India, a person who does not belong to a Hindu CASTE (=a particular social class), or who has been forced to leave one …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • outcaste — aÊŠtkæst / kɑːst n. one who does not belong to a cast; one who has given up his cast (in India); Pariah (in India) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • outcaste — noun (in Hindu society) a person who has no caste or a person who is expelled from their caste. verb cause (someone) to lose their caste …   English new terms dictionary

  • outcaste — noun (C) someone who does not belong to or who has been forced out of a caste (=a traditional social class) in India …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • outcaste — out•caste [[t]ˈaʊtˌkæst, ˌkɑst[/t]] n. 1) raj (in India) a person who has left or been expelled from his or her caste 2) a person of no caste • Etymology: 1875 …   From formal English to slang

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