- aulic
- [ʹɔ:lık] a ист.
принадлежащий к королевскому двору, придворный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
aulic — AÚLIC, Ă, aulici, ce, adj. Care aparţine curţii unui suveran, privitor la curtea unui suveran. – Din lat. aulicus, fr. aulique. Trimis de ana zecheru, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 aúlic adj. m., pl. aúlici; f … Dicționar Român
Aulic — Au lic, a. [L. aulicus, Gr. ?, fr. ? hall, court, royal court.] Pertaining to a royal court. [1913 Webster] Ecclesiastical wealth and aulic dignities. Landor. [1913 Webster] {Aulic council} (Hist.), a supreme court of the old German empire;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Aulic — Au lic, n. The ceremony observed in conferring the degree of doctor of divinity in some European universities. It begins by a harangue of the chancellor addressed to the young doctor, who then receives the cap, and presides at the disputation… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
aulic — ˈȯlik, ˈau̇l adjective Etymology: French aulique, from Latin aulicus, from Greek aulikos, from Greek aulē + ikos ic 1. : of or relating to a court : courtly ecclesiastical wealth and aulic dignities W.S.Landor 2. [New Latin aula + English … Useful english dictionary
Aulic council — Aulic Au lic, a. [L. aulicus, Gr. ?, fr. ? hall, court, royal court.] Pertaining to a royal court. [1913 Webster] Ecclesiastical wealth and aulic dignities. Landor. [1913 Webster] {Aulic council} (Hist.), a supreme court of the old German empire; … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Aulic titulature — is a term, derived from the Greek Aulè and Latin Aula (in the meaning palace) for hierarchic systems of titles specifically in use for court protocol.Hellenistic Antiquity...Ironically in the formal court titulature of the hellenistic empires… … Wikipedia
Aulic Council — A meeting of the Aulic Council, ca. 1700. The Aulic Council (from the Latin aula, court in feudal language, in antiquity a hellenistic type of grand residence, usually private) was originally an executive judicial council for the Holy Roman… … Wikipedia
Aulic council — Council Coun cil (koun s[i^]l), n. [F. concile, fr. L. concilium; con + calare to call, akin to Gr. ??? to call, and E. hale, v., haul. Cf. {Conciliate}. This word is often confounded with counsel, with which it has no connection.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
aulic council — a personal council of the Holy Roman Emperor, exercising chiefly judicial powers. * * * Aulic Council noun (Ger Reichshofrat; historical) A court or personal council of the Holy Roman Empire, established in 1501 by Maximilian I, and co ordinate… … Useful english dictionary
aulic — /aw lik/, adj. of or pertaining to a royal court. [1695 1705; < L aulicus < Gk aulikós courtly, equiv. to aul(é) hall, court + ikos IC] * * * … Universalium
aulic — 1. adjective Of or pertaining to a royal court; courtly 2. noun A ceremony at some European universities to confer a doctor of divinity degree … Wiktionary