- osteotomy
- [͵ɒstıʹɒtəmı] n мед.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Osteotomy — Intervention ICD 9 CM 77.3 MeSH … Wikipedia
Osteotomy — Os te*ot o*my, n. 1. The dissection or anatomy of bones; osteology. [1913 Webster] 2. (Surg.) The operation of dividing a bone or of cutting a piece out of it, done to remedy deformity, etc. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
osteotomy — [äs΄tē ät′ə mē] n. pl. osteotomies [ OSTEO + TOMY] a surgical operation of dividing a bone or cutting out a piece of bone … English World dictionary
Osteotomy — Taking out part or all of a bone, or cutting into or through bone. * * * Cutting a bone, usually by means of a saw or osteotome. [osteo + G. tome, incision] “C” sliding o. an extraoral o. in the shape of a “C” performed bilaterally in the… … Medical dictionary
osteotomy — n. a surgical operation to cut a bone into two parts, followed by realignment of the ends to allow healing. The operation is performed to reduce pain and disability in an arthritic joint, by changing the biomechanics of the joint, for cases in… … The new mediacal dictionary
osteotomy — osteotomist, n. /os tee ot euh mee/, n., pl. osteotomies. Surg. the dividing of a bone, or the excision of part of it. [1835 45; OSTEO + TOMY] * * * … Universalium
osteotomy — noun The surgical procedure of cutting a bone. This is often performed to either lengthen, shorten, or straighten a bone … Wiktionary
osteotomy — n. cutting of a bone; opening of a bone (Surgery) … English contemporary dictionary
osteotomy — [ˌɒstɪ ɒtəmi] noun (plural osteotomies) the surgical cutting of a bone, especially to allow realignment … English new terms dictionary
osteotomy — os·te·ot·o·my … English syllables
osteotomy — os•te•ot•o•my [[t]ˌɒs tiˈɒt ə mi[/t]] n. pl. mies 1) srg the surgical division of a bone to reposition the ends 2) srg the excision of part of a bone • Etymology: 1835–45 os te•ot′o•mist, n … From formal English to slang