- auld
- [ɔ:ld] a шотл.
auld lang syne - доброе старое время
Auld Reekie - «Старый дымокур» (шутливое название Эдинбурга)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
auld lang syne - доброе старое время
Auld Reekie - «Старый дымокур» (шутливое название Эдинбурга)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Auld — ist der Nachname von mehreren Personen: Alex Auld (* 1981), kanadischer Eishockeytorwart Andrew Auld (1900–1977), US amerikanischer Fußballspieler Bertie Auld (* 1938), schottischer Fußballspieler Georgie Auld (1919–1990), US amerikanischer Jazz… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Auld — Auld, a. [See {Old}.] Old; as, Auld Reekie (old smoky), i. e., Edinburgh. [Scot. & Prov. Eng.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
auld — variant of OLD (Cf. old) that more accurately preserves the Anglo Saxon vowel. Surviving in northern English and Scottish; distinctly Scottish after late 14c … Etymology dictionary
auld — [ôld, äld] adj. Scot. old … English World dictionary
Auld — Family name name =Auld imagesize= caption= pronunciation = meaning = region = origin = related names = footnotes = Auld as a surname may refer to the following persons:* Alex Auld (born 1981), Canadian hockey player * Andy Auld (1900 1977),… … Wikipedia
Auld — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Patronyme Auld est un nom de famille notamment porté par : (ordre alphabétique) Alex Auld (1981 ), joueur canadien de hockey sur glace ; Andy… … Wikipédia en Français
Auld — This unusual surname is of Anglo Saxon origin, and is derived from the Middle English (1200 1500) old , from the Olde English pre 7th Century eald , meaning old. The word was probably used as a nickname, not necessarily implying old age, but… … Surnames reference
auld — I Scottish Vernacular Dictionary Old Example:Get aff yer erse ya auld weegie bampot II Cleveland Dialect List old … English dialects glossary
auld — [ɔ:ld, α:ld] adjective Scottish form of old. Phrases auld lang syne times long past. Origin OE ald, Anglian form of old … English new terms dictionary
Auld Lang Syne — Frank C. Stanley, 1910 Auld Lang Syne (Scots, auf Englisch wörtlich „old long since“, sinngemäße Ü … Deutsch Wikipedia
Auld Lang Syne — es una canción patrimonial escocesa cuya letra consiste en un poema escrito en 1788[1] por Robert Burns, uno de los poetas escoceses más populares. Se suele utilizar en momentos solemnes, como aquéllos en que alguien se despide, se inicia o acaba … Wikipedia Español